Inverse of a Column Matrix

조회 수: 12 (최근 30일)
Shrinivas Gombi
Shrinivas Gombi 2011년 7월 7일
If X(jw)=H(jw)*F(jw) where X(jw)is response matrix ,H(jw)is the Frequency response function (FRF) matrix which is a Column matrix and F(jw)is a Force matrix.All are complex numbers I want to find F(jw)= Inverse of H(jw)*X(jw) How to find inverse of a column or Row matrix? Is inverse of a coloumn matrix is its Transpose? Pl reply SLG

채택된 답변

bym 2011년 7월 7일
you can try
pinv(F) %pseudo inverse of non square matrix
don't know if that's what you want

추가 답변 (1개)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2011년 7월 7일
The inverse of a row/col vector or a non-square matrix isn't defined. Do you perhaps want (mx1)*(1xm) to get a square matrix?


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