Code warnings and errors don't show up their popup

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Luca3n1 2013년 12월 11일
댓글: Luca Lo Verde 2017년 10월 13일
Hello everybody, I'm a rather inexpert Matlab user and I use R2013a in a vision research laboratory on a Linux workstation, and while having a tour of the new release (the machine is a new setup and the only Linux setup in the lab so far) I noticed that, when a code warning/error on the editor is present (with the problem highlighted in orange/red), hovering on it with mouse cursor don't yield the information popup it used to. Trying "Open Message or Expand Details" is the same, nothing shows up except for a brief dialog flash which promptly disappears. This is a gnome-shell system with Java 7 and a 3.12 kernel. Sorry if my informations are not precise but I was quite caught off guard with this. Thank you, Luca
  댓글 수: 1
Luca3n1 2013년 12월 12일
As I imagined, the problem I have encountered is related to gnome-shell desktop environment: switching to MATE desktop environment (a fork of the legacy gnome2 environment, much less heavy on the graphics matter) resolves the glitch as I can now seamlessy read popup messages from warnings and errors in editor.

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답변 (2개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013년 12월 11일
I don't have that problem. Popup tool tips show up for me. Since you have a fairly new purchase I think you should have technical support, so why not call them? While you're at it, why not just upgrade to R2013b and see if that fixes it? Any reason for staying with this old version, which doesn't fully work for you, when you're eligible to upgrade?
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Luca3n1 2013년 12월 11일
Put it simple? I'm in a laboratory in which we have to go through a burocratic iter even for putting a technic hand on a workstation, which we are supposed to use without administrative rights. I hoped this would be a problem which I could manage manually. Turns out it's not this situation. Anyway, I'm gonna ask for a software upgrade but I think this will require time. Thanks for the answer.

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geotocho 2017년 10월 13일
I have this issue while working on our linux server. I reckon Luca3n1 is right by stating this problem is ``related to gnome-shell desktop environment''. A work around for this problem exists, See Section: Create a Code Analyzer Message Report. The message report is more helpful than pop-ups imo.
  댓글 수: 1
Luca Lo Verde
Luca Lo Verde 2017년 10월 13일
Thank you geotocho, this is a very helpful workaround as even after these years we still have the problem on some of our linux setups.

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