M-file for exercise!!!

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
evi 2013년 12월 5일
편집: Andreas Goser 2013년 12월 5일
Hi!I have to create an m-file for an exercise and I wanted to ask you what is the difference between a function and a script.Which of them is better??
  댓글 수: 2
per isakson
per isakson 2013년 12월 5일
the debugger and the profiler works better with functions
evi 2013년 12월 5일
So,do you think that the error message I get has to do with the debugger and the profiler??

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답변 (2개)

sixwwwwww 2013년 12월 5일
If you want to re-use some operation again and again then function is better and if you just wanted to start writing codes in MATLAB then script is better at first. Better or not depends upon functionality usually
  댓글 수: 8
evi 2013년 12월 5일
편집: evi 2013년 12월 5일
The function is like that:
function[]=test(x_0,dimension,e,maxit) H=hilb(dimension); A=H; for j=1:dimension b(j)=sum(A(j,:)); exact(j)=1; end b=b'; exact=exact'; P=diag(diag(A)); F=A-P; x=-P\F*x_0+P\b; end
and the script is like that:
dimension=input('Give dimension: ');
e=input('Give e: ');
maxit=input('Give maxit: ');
x_0=input('Give x_0: ');
for j=1:dimension
When I run the function for dimension=50,e: 0.00001,maxit: 50,x_0: zeros(50,1),I get a result,but when I run the script I get this message: ??? Error using ==> mtimes Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in ==> ll at 15 x=-P\F*x_0+P\b
Why does this happen???What have I done wrong???
sixwwwwww 2013년 12월 5일
I am getting result both from your script and function. Following are the inputs: For function
test(zeros(50, 1), 50, 0.00001, 50)
For script
Give dimension: 50
Give e: 0.00001
Give maxit: 50
Give x_0: zeros(50, 1)
then why you dont get correct result. Can you check what inputs you give to both your function and script?

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

Andreas Goser
Andreas Goser 2013년 12월 5일
편집: Andreas Goser 2013년 12월 5일


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