Need help with implementing a 2D elliptical Gaussian function

조회 수: 53 (최근 30일)
Ronni 2011년 7월 5일
댓글: MJ HL 2017년 8월 22일
I'm trying to implement a 2D gaussian function, which has an elliptical shape rather than circular. For example if I have a standard Gaussian fuction such as: f=a1*exp(-(((x-b1)/c1).^2+((y-b1)/c1).^2))
where [x,y]=meshgrid(xmin:spacing:xmax,ymin:spacing,yman); I can just f=a1*exp(-((r-b1)/c).^2) where r=sqrt(x^2+y^2);
however if my c1 is not the same, I will have an ellipse. I'm not sure how to implement this. Any help will be highly appreciated.

답변 (2개)

David Young
David Young 2011년 7월 5일
You can make an elliptical filter aligned with the axes by replacing the second occurrence of c1 by a different variable, say c2, and giving c1 and c2 different values. Here's some code that demonstrates what I mean; I've taken the opportunity to change b1 to b2 as well, so the centre of the filter can be moved to an arbitrary point:
% Set up mesh
xmin = -100;
xmax = 100;
ymin = -100;
ymax = 100;
spacing = 1;
xvals = xmin:spacing:xmax+spacing/2;
yvals = ymin:spacing:ymax+spacing/2;
[x,y] = meshgrid(xvals, yvals);
% parameters for the gaussian
a1 = 1;
b1 = 20;
b2 = 40;
c1 = 10;
c2 = 40;
% Compute the filter and display it
contour(x, y, f);
If you want the ellipse to be oriented in an arbitrary direction, you need to rotate the axes before the computation. This involves multiplying x and y by a rotation matrix. Please say if you also need help with this.
  댓글 수: 1
MJ HL 2017년 8월 22일
Hello David, ... As you guessed I'm from that kind of people that need more help in rotating this filter :) . How should I do this? I need to rotate this filter in an arbitrary direction... thanks

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Ronni 2011년 7월 5일
Thanks David. I tried that and it seems to be working. I also had something similar what the problem that I had was that my function was sum of multiple functions. That I still can't get it working. Hopefully I can explain here what I mean.
I have this 2D data, which looks like a combination of gaussians. So since it was centered around zero, to fit this 2D data, I just took 1D profile across the center and fitted it with just using x variable. I assumed I can use the same parameters for y since for my initial test it was just a circular distribution. Later, I will be tweeking it so the FWHM of the added of function of one side is longer than the other. Hence, it will turn into an elliptical multi-gaussian function rather than just a circular mult-gaussian function.
This is what I have written, but the contour looks weird:
a1 = 57.27;
b1 = 0.5494;
c1 = 0.3432;
a2 = 58.35;
b2 = -0.5444;
c2 = 0.3461;
a3 = 33.19;
b3 = 0.8118;
c3 = 0.2174 ;
a4 = 33.38 ;
b4 = -0.8114;
c4 = 0.2188;
a5 = 90.86;
b5 = 0.005504;
c5 = 0.5079;
b_r = -10.81;
a = 9.4e+005;
b_l = 10.81;
f_l_35= a*exp(b_l*x+b_l*y);
f_m_35= a1*exp(-(((x-b1)/c1).^2+((y-b1)/c1).^2)) ...
+ a2*exp(-(((x-b2)/c2).^2+((y-b2)/c2).^2)) ...
+ a3*exp(-(((x-b3)/c3).^2+((y-b3)/c3).^2)) ...
+ a4*exp(-(((x-b4)/c4).^2+((y-b4)/c4).^2))...
+ a5*exp(-(((x-b5)/c5).^2+((y-b5)/c5).^2));
f_r_35= a*exp(b_r*x+b_r*y);
%I'm fitting the tails to the exponential function.
f(find(x<=-1))= f_l_35(find(x<=-1));
f(find(y<=-1))= f_l_35(find(y<=-1));
%Middle part to mult-gaussian
f(find(x<1 & x>-1))= f_m_35(find(x<1 & x>-1));
f(find(y<1 & y>-1))= f_m_35(find(y<1 & y>-1));
%again my right tail to exponential
f(find(x>=1))= f_r_35(find(x>=1));
f(find(y>=1))= f_r_35(find(y>=1));
Again, I got these coefficients by fitting central 1D profile. I kind of know why the distribution looks weird. I think when I did 1D profile, I did it at y=0 and so I also assumed b1_y (written as b1) to be zero. When I plot in 2D, it's shifting the centeral profile I fitted by b1/b2/b3 etc.
The distribution should really be looking like
f_m_35_revised= a1*exp(-(((r-b1)/c1).^2)) ...
+ a2*exp(-(((r-b2)/c2).^2))...
+ a3*exp(-(((r-b3)/c3).^2))...
+ a4*exp(-(((r-b4)/c4).^2))...
+ a5*exp(-(((r-b5)/c5).^2));
where r = sqrt(x.^2+y.^2);
Since I know my data is center about zero. May be I will change my fitting model and change the b parameters to 0. so more like f_m_35(x)= a1*exp(-(((x)/c1).^2)) ... + a2*exp(-(((x)/c2).^2))... + a3*exp(-(((x)/c3).^2))... + a4*exp(-(((x)/c4).^2))... + a5*exp(-(((x)/c5).^2)); I'll see how that goes...


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