Several rows of values in x-axis

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
IceQueen 2013년 10월 31일
댓글: sixwwwwww 2013년 11월 1일
i am searching for a solution to put different vector labels on the x-axis for the same plot. Thus i have some data and i would like to plot it the following way: y axis the data and the first row of the x-axis data should be time, the next row should be the x coordinate, the next then the y coordinate and lastly the z coordinate. All the data are in different vectors and they are the same length.
How would one go about to do that?
  댓글 수: 2
sixwwwwww 2013년 10월 31일
Can you make a rough sketch of your data? and how you like it to be plotted?
IceQueen 2013년 10월 31일
편집: IceQueen 2013년 10월 31일
i have a screenshot of another example if that helps: here with R_s, longitude and latitude and some other stuff.
My data is not a colorplot but just a simple line plot.

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sixwwwwww 2013년 10월 31일
Dear Icequeen, The following link will be quite helpful for you:
It explains exactly what you need. Good luck!
  댓글 수: 2
IceQueen 2013년 11월 1일
Thanks! Too bad there doesn't exist a function, but this works fine :)
sixwwwwww 2013년 11월 1일
You are welcome

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