Generating sinusoidal wave in MATLAB but I get STRAIGHT line instead??

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Susan 2011년 6월 26일
I am trying to learn about the signals and wave for awhile now, It worked at the beggining but when I added few lines I get now curved line, I know it meant to be easy but not sure whats wrong .. I am using possion distribution !
here is my code..
function S = trial(lambdaMax,lambda,T)
t = 0;
I = 0;
S = [];
u = rand;
t = t - log(u)/lambdaMax;
while t < T
u = rand;
if (u <= lambda(t)/lambdaMax)
I = I+1;
S(I) = t;
u = rand;
t = t - log(u)/lambdaMax;
this is the script to run it,,
lambda =@(x) lambdaMax * sin(x);
S = trial(lambdaMax,lambda,T);
hold on
ylabel ('sin(x)')
  댓글 수: 4
Jan 2011년 6월 26일
Well, as far as I remember the sinus *is* a curved line.
Naturally the computations are correct in the sense that Matlab interpretes the shown code correctly. So if you expect a different result, most likely your expectations are wrong.
Please take the time to formulate a question and explain the difference between "curved line" and "sin wave" with any details.
Susan 2011년 6월 26일
I mean just a straight line but just in different angle perhaps I should not use curved.. its actually straight line and the expected the usual sin curved waves

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채택된 답변

Jan 2011년 6월 26일
If you call your function "trial" with T=2*pi you get a full period of a sinusidal curve. With T=1 you get just the first part, which looks almost straight, but it has a small curvature.
  댓글 수: 1
Susan 2011년 6월 26일
Yeah your right.. its working but wasn't clear to me coz it T was 1.. Thank you :)

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