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Get information about specific characteristic from A2L file


info = getCharacteristicInfo(a2lFile,characteristic) returns information about the specified characteristic from the specified A2L file, and stores it in the xcp.Characteristic object, info.



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Create a handle to parse an A2L file and get information about the curve1_8_uc characteristic.

a2lfile = xcpA2L('C:\XCPSIM.a2l');
info = getCharacteristicInfo(a2lfile,'curve1_8_uc')
info = 

  Characteristic with properties:

     CharacteristicType: 'VAL_BLK'
                Deposit: [1×1 xcp.RecordLayout]
         AxisConversion: {}
                   Name: 'curve1_8_uc'
         LongIdentifier: '8 BYTE shared axis Curve2'
             ECUAddress: 1131912
    ECUAddressExtension: 0
             Conversion: [1×1 xcp.CompuMethodRational]
              Dimension: [8 1 1]
             LowerLimit: 0
             UpperLimit: 255
                BitMask: []

Input Arguments

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A2L file, specified as an xcp.A2L object, used in this connection. You can create an xcp.A2L file object using xcpA2L.

XCP channel characteristic name, specified as a character vector or string.

Example: 'curve1_8_uc'

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

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XCP characteristic information, returned as an xcp.Characteristic object, containing characteristic details such as type, identifier, and conversion.

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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