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Convert CAN FD messages for use as CAN Replay block output


msgstructofarrays = canFDMessageReplayBlockStruct(msgs) formats the specified CAN FD messages for use with the CAN FD Replay block. The CAN FD Replay block requires a specific format for CAN FD messages, defined by a structure of arrays containing the ID, Extended, Data, and other message elements.

Use this function to assign the formatted message structure to a variable. Then save that variable to a MAT-file. The CAN FD Replay block mask allows selection of this MAT file and the variable within it, to replay the messages in a Simulink® model.


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Create a message structure for the CAN FD Replay block, and save it to a MAT-file.

canMsgs = canFDMessageReplayBlockStruct(messages);

Input Arguments

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Original CAN FD messages, specified as a CAN FD message timetable or an array of CAN message objects.

Output Arguments

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Formatted CAN FD messages, returned as structure of arrays containing the ID, Extended, Data, and other elements of the messages.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

See Also



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