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상태 및 천이 구문
상태 간 천이가 발생하는 시점과 동작이 실행되는 시점을 지정하여 Stateflow® 차트의 실행을 제어합니다. 이벤트를 브로드캐스트하여 상태 실행을 동기화합니다. 데이터 값에서 변경을 감지하고 차트 실행 중에 어느 상태가 활성 상태인지 검사합니다.
Stateflow 구문
도움말 항목
- Differences Between MATLAB and C as Action Language Syntax
Compare the functionality of the chart action languages.
- Stateflow 객체 이름에 대한 지침
예약된 키워드, 이름 길이 제한 및 이름 짓기 제한에 대해 설명합니다.
- Eliminate Redundant Code by Combining State Actions
, andexit
actions in a state. - Control Function-Call Subsystems by Using bind Actions
Bind a function-call output event to the activity of a state.
- Combine Transitions and Junctions to Create Branching Paths
Create decision points in transition paths.
- Call Extrinsic MATLAB Functions in Stateflow Charts
Access MATLAB® functions that are not supported for code generation.
- Access MATLAB Functions and Workspace Data in C Charts
Call built-in MATLAB functions by using the
operator. - Call C Library Functions in C Charts
Access C functions in state and transition labels.
- Check State Activity by Using the in Operator
Determine if a state is active during chart execution.
- Detect Changes in Data and Expression Values
Define chart behavior when data and expressions change value between time steps.
- Control Chart Execution by Using Temporal Logic
Use event-based and absolute-time temporal logic operators.
- Control Chart Behavior by Using Implicit Events
Trigger chart actions by changes in data values and state activity.
- 디바운싱 로직을 사용하여 과도 신호 줄이기
빠르게 변하는 신호에 탄력적인 상태 머신을 설계합니다.
- Control Oscillations by Using the duration Operator
Simplify debouncing logic in charts that have transient signals.