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Simscape 블록

FEM-Parameterized Synchronous MachineSynchronous machine defined in terms of magnetic flux linkage (R2023a 이후)
Simplified Synchronous MachineSimplified synchronous machine with electromotive force (R2020b 이후)
Simplified Synchronous Machine MeasurementPer-unit measurement from simplified synchronous machine (R2020b 이후)
Synchronous Machine Field CircuitSynchronous machine field circuit per-unit interface with voltage input and current output
Synchronous Machine MeasurementPer-unit measurement from synchronous machine
Synchronous Machine Model 1.0Synchronous machine with field circuit and no damper
Synchronous Machine Model 2.1Synchronous machine with simplified transformation, simplified representation, and fundamental or standard parameterization
Synchronous Machine Round RotorRound-rotor synchronous machine with fundamental or standard parameterization
Synchronous Machine Salient PoleSalient-pole synchronous machine with fundamental or standard parameterization
Synchronous Machine (Six-Phase)Six-phase synchronous machine (R2020b 이후)

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