SIL, PIL, and HIL Tests
You can compare results between your model and generated code by running equivalence tests in different environments, such as model simulation and SIL, PIL, or HIL execution. Equivalence tests are sometimes referred to as back-to-back tests. To automatically create test cases and test harnesses, you can use the Create Test for Model Component wizard.
- Create and Run a Back-to-Back Test
Create and run an equivalence test to compare normal simulation and SIL/PIL code generation output.
- Analyze Code and Test Software-in-the-Loop
Detect code errors, generate code metrics, test code and model equivalence, test code against requirements.
- SIL Verification for a Subsystem
Perform SIL verification programmatically by using test harnesses and the Simulation Data Inspector.
- Test Models in Real Time
Create a real-time application, download and execute it on the Simulink Real-Time target, and assess results.
- Reuse Desktop Test Cases for Real-Time Testing
Run real-time tests based on desktop test cases that use external inputs.
- Test a Simulation for Run-Time Errors
Use a simulation test case to test an anti-lock brake system for simulation run-time errors.
- Test Execution Order
Order in which models load, and test cases, iterations, and callbacks run.