Detect and Address Run-Time Errors
Detect hidden design errors in your model, such as integer overflows or division by zero, early in the verification process. Perform design error detection analysis, review the analysis results, generate counterexamples to debug unintended functionalities, and then fix the identified design errors.
sldvextract | Extract subsystem or subchart contents into new model for analysis |
sldvoptions | Create design verification options object |
sldvrun | Analyze model |
sldvreport | Generate Simulink Design Verifier report |
sldvmakeharness | Generate harness model |
- Derived Ranges in Design Error Detection
Explains the concepts of design ranges and derived ranges with regard to design error detection.
- Detect Non-Finite, NaN, and Subnormal Floating-Point Values
Detect floating-point values in your model before simulation.
- Detect Integer Overflow and Division-by-Zero Errors
An example showing how to identify design errors in your model and review analysis results.
- Detect Out of Bound Array Access Errors
Detect out of bound array access errors in your model before simulation.
- Detect Data Store Access Violations
Detect data store access violations in your model.
- Detect Violations of High-Integrity Systems Modeling Guidelines
Detect violations of High-Integrity Systems Modeling Guidelines in your model.
- Detect Design Errors in C/C++ Custom Code
An example showing how to detect design errors in custom C/C++ code.
- Parameter Configuration for Analysis
Overview of parameter configuration for Simulink® Design Verifier™ analysis.
- Use Parameter Table
An example of how to specify parameters as variables for analysis.
- Use Parameter Configuration File
Describes how to define parameter configurations m MATLAB® code files.
- Store Parameter Constraints in MATLAB Code Files
An example of how to import and export specified parameter constraints to and from the Parameter Table.
- Using Command Line Functions to Support Changing Parameters
This example shows how to use Simulink® Design Verifier™ command-line functions to generate test data that incorporates different parameter values.
- Debug Integer Overflow Design Error Detection Using Model Slicer
This example shows how to use Model Slicer to debug integer overflow design errors in a Simulink® model.
- Inspect Dead Logic with Model Slicer
This example shows you how to investigate the possible causes for the dead logic that occurs.