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Convert single-ended S-parameters to mixed-mode S-parameters


[s_dd,s_dc,s_cd,s_cc] = s2smm(s_params_even,rfflag) converts single-ended S-parameters to mixed-mode form.


s_mm = s2smm(s_params_odd) converts single-ended odd S-parameters matrix to mixed-mode matrix. To create a mixed-mode matrix from s_params_odd, the single-ended input ports are paired sequentially (port1 with port 2, port 3 with port 4, etc.), and the last port is left single ended.


collapse all

Convert 4-port S-parameters to 2-port, mixed-mode S-Parameters.

S = sparameters('default.s4p'); 
s4p = S.Parameters; 
[s_dd,s_dc,s_cd,s_cc] = s2smm(s4p);

Display the 2-port mixed-mode S-Parameters at the first frequency.

s_dd1 = s_dd(:,:,1)
s_dd1 = 2×2 complex

  -0.0124 - 0.0433i  -0.5434 - 0.6872i
  -0.5428 - 0.6900i  -0.0192 - 0.0504i

s_dc1 = s_dc(:,:,1)
s_dc1 = 2×2 complex

   0.0024 - 0.0035i  -0.0005 + 0.0019i
   0.0007 - 0.0012i   0.0023 - 0.0027i

s_cc1 = s_cc(:,:,1)
s_cc1 = 2×2 complex

   0.1799 - 0.1839i  -0.5300 - 0.6771i
  -0.5314 - 0.6800i   0.1756 - 0.1910i

s_cd = s_cd(:,:,1)
s_cd = 2×2 complex

   0.0015 - 0.0029i  -0.0005 + 0.0014i
   0.0003 - 0.0009i   0.0019 - 0.0027i

Input Arguments

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S-parameters, specified as a complex 2 N-by-2 N-by-K array, where K representing number of frequency points of 2 N-port S-Parameters. These parameters describe a device with an even number of ports.

Port order, a scalar, specified as 1, 2, or 3. Port order determines how the function orders the ports:

  • rfflag = 1s2smm Odd-numbered ports are followed by even-numbered ports: 1,3,5,…..,2N-4,2N-2,2N.

    Odd-numbered ports are followed by even-numbered ports in an 8-port network

    • Ports 1 and 3 become mixed-mode pair 1.

    • Ports 5 and 7 become mixed-mode pair 2.

    • Ports 2 and 4 become mixed-mode pair 3.

    • Ports 6 and 8 become mixed-mode pair 4.

  • rfflag = 2 — Ports are paired in ascending or descending order: (1,2),…..,(2N-1,2N)

    Ports are paired in ascending or descending order

    • Ports 1 and 2 become mixed-mode pair 1.

    • Ports 3 and 4 become mixed-mode pair 2.

    • Ports 5 and 6 become mixed-mode pair 3.

    • Ports 7 and 8 become mixed-mode pair 4.

  • rfflag = 3 — Half of the ports are in ascending order and half of the ports are in descending order: 1,2,…..,N,2N,2N-1,….,N+1.

    Half of the ports are in ascending order and half of the ports are in descending order

    • Ports 1 and 2 become mixed-mode pair 1.

    • Ports 3 and 4 become mixed-mode pair 2.

    • Ports 8 and 7 become mixed-mode pair 3.

    • Ports 6 and 5 become mixed-mode pair 4.

K (2 N+1) port single-ended S-Parameters matrix, specified as a complex (2 N+1)-by-(2 N+1)-by-K array. These parameters describe a device with an odd number of ports.

The port-ordering argument option is not available for (2N + 1)-by-(2N + 1)-by-K input arrays. In this case, the ports are always paired in ascending order, and the last port remains single-ended. For example, in a 7-port network:

Ports are always paired in ascending order, and the last port remains single-ended

  • Ports 1 and 2 become mixed-mode pair 1.

  • Ports 3 and 4 become mixed-mode pair 2.

  • Ports 5 and 6 become mixed-mode pair 3.

  • Ports 7 remains single ended.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Mixed-mode S-parameters, returned as complex N-by-N-by-K array, containing K matrices of differential-mode, 2N-port S-parameters (Sdd).

Mixed-mode S-parameters, returned as complex N-by-N-by-K array, containing K matrices of differential-mode, 2N-port S-parameters (Sdc).

Mixed-mode S-parameters, returned as complex N-by-N-by-K array, containing K matrices of differential-mode, 2N-port S-parameters (Scd).

Mixed-mode S-parameters, returned as complex N-by-N-by-K array, containing K matrices of differential-mode, 2N-port S-parameters (Scc).

Mixed-mode S-parameters, returned as complex N-by-N-by-K array, containing K matrices of differential-mode, 2N-port S-parameters (Smm).



[1] Granberg, T.,Handbook of Digital Techniques for High-Speed Design. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2004.

Version History

Introduced in R2009a

See Also

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