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Convert S-parameters to hybrid h-parameters


h_params = s2h(s_params,z0) converts the scattering parameters to the hybrid parameters.



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Define a matrix of S-parameters.

s_11 = 0.61*exp(j*165/180*pi);
s_21 = 3.72*exp(j*59/180*pi);
s_12 = 0.05*exp(j*42/180*pi);
s_22 = 0.45*exp(j*(-48/180)*pi);
s_params = [s_11 s_12; s_21 s_22];
z0 = 50;

Convert S-parameters to h-parameters.

h_params = s2h(s_params,z0)
h_params = 2×2 complex

  15.3381 + 1.4019i   0.0260 + 0.0411i
  -0.9585 - 3.4902i   0.0106 + 0.0054i

Input Arguments

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2-port S-parameters, specified as a 2-by-2-by-M array of complex numbers, where M represents the number of frequency points of 2-port S-Parameters.

Reference impedance of 2-port S-parameters, specified as a positive real scalar in ohms.

Output Arguments

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2-port hybrid h-parameters, returned as a 2-by-2-by-M array of complex numbers, where M represents the number of frequency points of 2-port hybrid h-parameters.


[1] Frickey, D. A. “Conversions between S, Z, Y, H, ABCD, and T Parameters Which Are Valid for Complex Source and Load Impedances.” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 42, no. 2, Feb. 1994, pp. 205–11. (Crossref), doi:10.1109/22.275248.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also

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