Read formatted data from text file or string
reads data from an open text file into a cell array, C
= textscan(fileID
The text file is indicated by the file identifier, fileID
Use fopen
to open the file and obtain the fileID
When you finish reading from a file, close the file by calling fclose(fileID)
attempts to match the data in the
file to the conversion specifier in formatSpec
The textscan
function reapplies formatSpec
the entire file and stops when it cannot match formatSpec
the data.
file data using the C
= textscan(fileID
where N
is a positive integer. To read additional
data from the file after N
cycles, call textscan
using the original fileID
. If you resume a text
scan of a file by calling textscan
with the same
file identifier (fileID
), then textscan
resumes reading at the point where it terminated the last read.
the text from character vector C
= textscan(chr
into cell array C
When reading text from a character vector, repeated calls to textscan
the scan from the beginning each time. To restart a scan from the
last position, request a position
attempts to match the data in character
vector chr
to the format specified in formatSpec
the C
= textscan(chr
times, where N
a positive integer.
options using one or more C
= textscan(___,Name,Value
pair arguments,
in addition to any of the input arguments in the previous syntaxes.
returns the position in the
file or the character vector at the end of the scan as the second
output argument. For a file, this is the value that C
= textscan(___)ftell(fileID)
return after calling textscan
. For a character
vector, position
indicates how many characters
Read Floating-Point Numbers
Read a character vector containing floating-point numbers.
chr = '0.41 8.24 3.57 6.24 9.27'; C = textscan(chr,'%f');
The specifier '%f'
in formatSpec
tells textscan
to match each field in chr
to a double-precision floating-point number.
Display the contents of cell array C
C{1} = 0.4100 8.2400 3.5700 6.2400 9.2700
Read the same character vector, and truncate each value to one decimal digit.
C = textscan(chr,'%3.1f %*1d');
The specifier %3.1f
indicates a field width of 3 digits and a precision of 1. The textscan
function reads a total of 3 digits, including the decimal point and the 1 digit after the decimal point. The specifier, %*1d
, tells textscan
to skip the remaining digit.
Display the contents of cell array C
C{1} = 0.4000 8.2000 3.5000 6.2000 9.2000
Read Hexadecimal Numbers
Read a character vector that represents a set of hexadecimal numbers. Text that represents hexadecimal numbers includes the digits 0
, the letters a
or A
, and optionally the prefixes 0x
or 0X
To match the fields in hexnums
to hexadecimal numbers, use the '%x'
specifier. The textscan
function converts the fields to unsigned 64-bit integers.
hexnums = '0xFF 0x100 0x3C5E A F 10'; C = textscan(hexnums,'%x')
C = 1x1 cell array
{6x1 uint64}
Display the contents of C
as a row vector.
ans = 1x6 uint64 row vector
255 256 15454 10 15 16
You can convert the fields to signed or unsigned integers, having 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits. To convert the fields in hexnums
to signed 32-bit integers, use the '%xs32'
C = textscan(hexnums,'%xs32');
ans = 1x6 int32 row vector
255 256 15454 10 15 16
You can also specify a field width for interpreting the input. In that case, the prefix counts towards the field width. For example, if you set the field width to three, as in %3x
, then textscan
splits the text '0xAF 100'
into three pieces of text, '0xA'
, 'F'
, and '100'
. It treats the three pieces of text as different hexadecimal numbers.
C = textscan('0xAF 100','%3x'); transpose(C{:})
ans = 1x3 uint64 row vector
10 15 256
Read Binary Numbers
Read a character vector that represents a set of binary numbers. Text that represents binary numbers includes the digits 0
and 1
, and optionally the prefixes 0b
or 0B
To match the fields in binnums
to binary numbers, use the '%b'
specifier. The textscan
function converts the fields to unsigned 64-bit integers.
binnums = '0b101010 0b11 0b100 1001 10'; C = textscan(binnums,'%b')
C = 1x1 cell array
{5x1 uint64}
Display the contents of C
as a row vector.
ans = 1x5 uint64 row vector
42 3 4 9 2
You can convert the fields to signed or unsigned integers, having 8, 16, 32, or 64 bits. To convert the fields in binnums
to signed 32-bit integers, use the '%bs32'
C = textscan(binnums,'%bs32');
ans = 1x5 int32 row vector
42 3 4 9 2
You can also specify a field width for interpreting the input. In that case, the prefix counts towards the field width. For example, if you set the field width to three, as in %3b
, then textscan
splits the text '0b1010 100'
into three pieces of text, '0b1'
, '010'
, and '100'
. It treats the three pieces of text as different binary numbers.
C = textscan('0b1010 100','%3b'); transpose(C{:})
ans = 1x3 uint64 row vector
1 2 4
Read Different Types of Data
Load the data file and read each column with the appropriate type.
Load file scan1.dat
and preview its contents in a text editor. A screen shot is shown below.
filename = 'scan1.dat';
Open the file, and read each column with the appropriate conversion specifier. textscan
returns a 1-by-9
cell array C
fileID = fopen(filename); C = textscan(fileID,'%s %s %f32 %d8 %u %f %f %s %f'); fclose(fileID); whos C
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes C 1x9 2393 cell
View the MATLAB® data type of each of the cells in C
C=1×9 cell array
{3x1 cell} {3x1 cell} {3x1 single} {3x1 int8} {3x1 uint32} {3x1 double} {3x1 double} {3x1 cell} {3x1 double}
Examine the individual entries. Notice that C{1}
and C{2}
are cell arrays. C{5}
is of data type uint32
, so the first two elements of C{5}
are the maximum values for a 32
-bit unsigned integer, or intmax('uint32')
C{1}{1} = 09/12/2005 C{1}{2} = 10/12/2005 C{1}{3} = 11/12/2005 C{2}{1} = Level1 C{2}{2} = Level2 C{2}{3} = Level3 C{3} = 12.3400 23.5400 34.9000 C{4} = 45 60 12 C{5} = 4294967295 4294967295 200000 C{6} = Inf -Inf 10 C{7} = NaN 0.0010 100.0000 C{8}{1} = Yes C{8}{2} = No C{8}{3} = No C{9} = 5.1000 + 3.0000i 2.2000 - 0.5000i 3.1000 + 0.1000i
Remove Literal Text
Remove the literal text 'Level'
from each field in the second column of the data from the previous example. A preview of the file is shown below.
Open the file and match the literal text in the formatSpec input.
filename = 'scan1.dat'; fileID = fopen(filename); C = textscan(fileID,'%s Level%d %f32 %d8 %u %f %f %s %f'); fclose(fileID); C{2}
ans = 3x1 int32 column vector
View the MATLAB® data type of the second cell in C
. The second cell of the 1-by-9
cell array, C
, is now of data type int32
disp( class(C{2}) )
Skip the Remainder of a Line
Read the first column of the file in the previous example into a cell array, skipping the rest of the line.
filename = 'scan1.dat'; fileID = fopen(filename); dates = textscan(fileID,'%s %*[^\n]'); fclose(fileID); dates{1}
ans = 3x1 cell
returns a cell array dates.
Specify Delimiter and Empty Value Conversion
Load the file data.csv
and preview its contents in a text editor. A screen shot is shown below. Notice the file contains data separated by commas and also contains empty values.
Read the file, converting empty cells to -Inf
filename = 'data.csv'; fileID = fopen(filename); C = textscan(fileID,'%f %f %f %f %u8 %f',... 'Delimiter',',','EmptyValue',-Inf); fclose(fileID); column4 = C{4}, column5 = C{5}
column4 = 2×1
column5 = 2x1 uint8 column vector
returns a 1-by-6
cell array, C
. The textscan
function converts the empty value in C{4}
to -Inf
, where C{4}
is associated with a floating-point format. Because MATLAB® represents unsigned integer -Inf
as 0
, textscan
converts the empty value in C{5}
to 0
, and not -Inf
Specify Text to be Treated as Empty or Comments
Load the file data2.csv
and preview its contents in a text editor. A screen shot is shown below. Notice the file contains data that can be interpreted as comments and other entries such as 'NA'
or 'na'
that may indicate empty fields.
filename = 'data2.csv';
Designate the input that textscan
should treat as comments or empty values and scan the data into C
fileID = fopen(filename); C = textscan(fileID,'%s %n %n %n %n','Delimiter',',',... 'TreatAsEmpty',{'NA','na'},'CommentStyle','//'); fclose(fileID);
Display the output.
C{1}{1} = abc C{1}{2} = def C{2} = 2 NaN C{3} = NaN 5 C{4} = 3 6 C{5} = 4 7
Treat Repeated Delimiters as One
Load the file data3.csv
and preview its contents in a text editor. A screen shot is shown below. Notice the file contains repeated delimiters.
filename = 'data3.csv';
To treat the repeated commas as a single delimiter, use the MultipleDelimsAsOne
parameter, and set the value to 1
fileID = fopen(filename); C = textscan(fileID,'%f %f %f %f','Delimiter',',',... 'MultipleDelimsAsOne',1); fclose(fileID); celldisp(C)
C{1} = 1 5 C{2} = 2 6 C{3} = 3 7 C{4} = 4 8
Specify Repeated Conversion Specifiers and Collect Numeric Data
Load the data file grades.txt
for this example and preview its contents in a text editor. A screen shot is shown below. Notice the file contains repeated delimiters.
filename = 'grades.txt';
Read the column headers using the format '%s'
four times.
fileID = fopen(filename); formatSpec = '%s'; N = 4; C_text = textscan(fileID,formatSpec,N,'Delimiter','|');
Read the numeric data in the file.
C_data0 = textscan(fileID,'%d %f %f %f')
C_data0=1×4 cell array
{4x1 int32} {4x1 double} {4x1 double} {4x1 double}
The default value for CollectOutput
is 0
), so textscan
returns each column of the numeric data in a separate array.
Set the file position indicator to the beginning of the file.
Reread the file and set CollectOutput to 1 (true) to collect the consecutive columns of the same class into a single array. You can use the repmat
function to indicate that the %f
conversion specifier should appear three times. This technique is useful when a format repeats many times.
C_text = textscan(fileID,'%s',N,'Delimiter','|'); C_data1 = textscan(fileID,['%d',repmat('%f',[1,3])],'CollectOutput',1)
C_data1=1×2 cell array
{4x1 int32} {4x3 double}
The test scores, which are all double, are collected into a single 4-by-3 array.
Close the file.
Read or Skip Quoted Text and Numeric Fields
Read the first and last columns of data from a text file. Skip a column of text and a column of integer data.
Load the file names.txt
and preview its contents in a text editor. A screen shot is shown below. Notice that the file contains two columns of quoted text, followed by a column of integers, and finally a column of floating point numbers.
filename = 'names.txt';
Read the first and last columns of data in the file. Use the conversion specifier, %q
to read the text enclosed by double quotation marks ("
). %*q
skips the quoted text, %*d
skips the integer field, and %f
reads the floating-point number. Specify the comma delimiter using the 'Delimiter'
name-value pair argument.
fileID = fopen(filename,'r'); C = textscan(fileID,'%q %*q %*d %f','Delimiter',','); fclose(fileID);
Display the output. textscan
returns a cell array C
where the double quotation marks enclosing the text are removed.
C{1}{1} = Smith, J. C{1}{2} = Bates, G. C{1}{3} = Curie, M. C{1}{4} = Murray, G. C{1}{5} = Brown, K. C{2} = 71.1000 69.3000 64.1000 133.0000 64.9000
Read Foreign-Language Dates
Load the file german_dates.txt
and preview its contents in a text editor. A screen shot is shown below. Notice that the first column of values contains dates in German and the second and third columns are numeric values.
filename = 'german_dates.txt';
Open the file. Specify the character encoding scheme associated with the file as the last input to fopen
fileID = fopen(filename,'r','n','ISO-8859-15');
Read the file. Specify the format of the dates in the file using the %{dd % MMMM yyyy}D
specifier. Specify the locale of the dates using the DateLocale
name-value pair argument.
C = textscan(fileID,'%{dd MMMM yyyy}D %f %f',... 'DateLocale','de_DE','Delimiter',','); fclose(fileID);
View the contents of the first cell in C. The dates display in the language MATLAB uses depending on your system locale.
ans = 3x1 datetime
01 January 2014
01 February 2014
01 March 2014
Read Nondefault Control Characters
Use sprintf
to convert nondefault escape sequences in your data.
Create text that includes a form feed character, \f
. Then, to read the text using textscan
, call sprintf
to explicitly convert the form feed.
lyric = sprintf('Blackbird\fsinging\fin\fthe\fdead\fof\fnight'); C = textscan(lyric,'%s','delimiter',sprintf('\f')); C{1}
ans = 7x1 cell
{'singing' }
{'in' }
{'the' }
{'dead' }
{'of' }
{'night' }
returns a cell array, C
Resume Scanning
Resume scanning from a position other than the beginning.
If you resume a scan of the text, textscan
reads from the beginning each time. To resume a scan from any other position, use the two-output argument syntax in your initial call to textscan
For example, create a character vector called lyric
. Read the first word of the character vector, and then resume the scan.
lyric = 'Blackbird singing in the dead of night'; [firstword,pos] = textscan(lyric,'%9c',1); lastpart = textscan(lyric(pos+1:end),'%s');
Input Arguments
— File identifier
numeric scalar
File identifier of an open text file, specified as a number.
Before reading a file with textscan
, you must use fopen
open the file and obtain the fileID
Data Types: double
— Format of the data fields
character vector | string
Format of the data fields, specified as a character vector or
a string of one or more conversion specifiers. When textscan
the input, it attempts to match the data to the format specified in formatSpec
If textscan
fails to match a data field, it stops
reading and returns all fields read before the failure.
The number of conversion specifiers determines the number of
cells in output array, C
Numeric Fields
This table lists available conversion specifiers for numeric inputs.
Numeric Input Type | Conversion Specifier | Output Class |
Integer, signed | %d | int32 |
%d8 | int8 | |
%d16 | int16 | |
%d32 | int32 | |
%d64 | int64 | |
Integer, unsigned | %u | uint32 |
%u8 | uint8 | |
%u16 | uint16 | |
%u32 | uint32 | |
%u64 | uint64 | |
Floating-point number | %f | double |
%f32 | single | |
%f64 | double | |
%n | double | |
Hexadecimal number, unsigned integer | %x | uint64 |
%xu8 | uint8 | |
%xu16 | uint16 | |
%xu32 | uint32 | |
%xu64 | uint64 | |
Hexadecimal number, signed integer | %xs8 | int8 |
%xs16 | int16 | |
%xs32 | int32 | |
%xs64 | int64 | |
Binary number, unsigned integer | %b | uint64 |
%bu8 | uint8 | |
%bu16 | uint16 | |
%bu32 | uint32 | |
%bu64 | uint64 | |
Binary number, signed integer | %bs8 | int8 |
%bs16 | int16 | |
%bs32 | int32 | |
%bs64 | int64 |
Nonnumeric Fields
This table lists available conversion specifiers for inputs that include nonnumeric characters.
Nonnumeric Input Type | Conversion Specifier | Details |
Character | %c | Read any single character, including a delimiter. |
Text Array | %s | Read as a cell array of character vectors. |
%q | Read as a cell array of character vectors.
If the text begins with a double quotation mark ( Example: | |
Dates and time | %D | Read the same way as |
%{ | Read the same way as For more information
about datetime display formats, see the Example: | |
Duration | %T |
Read the same way as |
%{ | Read the same way as For more
information about duration display formats, see the Example: | |
Category | %C | Read the same way as |
Pattern-matching | %[...] | Read as a cell array of character vectors, the characters
inside the brackets up to the first nonmatching character. To include Example: |
%[^...] | Exclude characters inside the brackets, reading until
the first matching character. To exclude Example: |
Optional Operators
Conversion specifiers in formatSpec
can include optional operators, which
appear in the following order (includes spaces for clarity):
Optional operators include:
Fields and Characters to Ignore
reads all characters in your file in sequence, unless you tell it to ignore a particular field or a portion of a field.Insert an asterisk character (*) after the percent character (%) to skip a field or a portion of a character field.
Action Taken
Skip the field.
is any conversion specifier identifying the field to skip.textscan
does not create an output cell for any such fields.Example:
'%s %*s %s %s %*s %*s %s'
(spaces are optional) converts the text
'Blackbird singing in the dead of night'
into four output cells with
'Blackbird' 'in' 'the' 'night'
s'Skip up to
characters, wheren
is an integer less than or equal to the number of characters in the field.Example:
'%*3s %s'
. When the delimiter is a comma, the same delimiter converts'abcde,fghijkl'
to a cell array containing'de';'ijkl'
characters, including delimiter characters.Field Width
reads the number of characters or digits specified by the field width or precision, or up to the first delimiter, whichever comes first. A decimal point, sign (+
), exponent character, and digits in the numeric exponent are counted as characters and digits within the field width. For complex numbers, the field width refers to the individual widths of the real part and the imaginary part. For the imaginary part, the field width includes + or − but noti
. Specify the field width by inserting a number after the percent character (%) in the conversion specifier.Example:
.When the field width operator is used with single characters (
also reads delimiter, white-space, and end-of-line characters.
reads 7 characters, including white-space, so'Day and night'
reads as'Day and'
For floating-point numbers (
), you can specify the number of decimal digits to read.Example:
.Literal Text to Ignore
ignores the text appended to theformatSpec
conversion specifier.Example:
Data Types: char
| string
— Number of times to apply formatSpec
(default) | positive integer
Number of times to apply formatSpec
, specified
as a positive integer.
Data Types: single
| double
| int8
| int16
| int32
| int64
| uint8
| uint16
| uint32
| uint64
— Input text
character vector | string
Input text to read.
Data Types: char
| string
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: C = textscan(fileID,formatSpec,'HeaderLines',3,'Delimiter',',')
the first three lines of the data, and then reads the remaining data,
treating commas as a delimiter.
Names are not case sensitive.
— Logical indicator determining data concatenation
(default) | true
Logical indicator determining data concatenation, specified
as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'CollectOutput'
either true
or false
. If true
then the importing function concatenates consecutive output cells
of the same fundamental MATLAB® class into a single array.
— Symbols designating text to ignore
character vector | cell array of character vectors | string | string array
Symbols designating text to ignore, specified as the comma-separated
pair consisting of 'CommentStyle'
and a character
vector, cell array of character vectors, string, or string array.
For example, specify a character such as '%'
to ignore text following the
symbol on the same line. Specify a cell array of two character vectors, such as
, to ignore any text between those sequences.
MATLAB checks for comments only at the start of each field, not within a field.
Example: 'CommentStyle',{'/*','*/'}
Data Types: char
| string
— Locale for reading dates
character vector | string
Locale for reading dates, specified as the comma-separated pair
consisting of 'DateLocale'
and a character vector
in the form
where xx
is a lowercase ISO 639-1 two-letter
code that specifies a language, and YY
an uppercase ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code that specifies a country. For
a list of common values for the locale, see the Locale
pair argument for the datetime
Use DateLocale
to specify the locale in which textscan
should interpret month and day of week names and abbreviations when reading text as
dates using the %D
format specifier.
Example: 'DateLocale','ja_JP'
— Field delimiter characters
character vector | cell array of character vectors | string | string array
Field delimiter characters, specified as the comma-separated
pair consisting of 'Delimiter'
and a character
vector or a cell array of character vectors. Specify multiple delimiters
in a cell array of character vectors.
Example: 'Delimiter',{';','*'}
interprets repeated delimiter characters
as separate delimiters, and returns an empty value to the output cell.
Within each row of data, the default field delimiter is white-space.
White-space can be any combination of space ('
), backspace ('\b'
or tab ('\t'
) characters. If you do not specify
a delimiter, then:
the delimiter characters are the same as the white-space characters. The default white-space characters are
' '
, and'\t'
. Use the'Whitespace'
name-value pair argument to specify alternate white-space characters.textscan
interprets repeated white-space characters as a single delimiter.
When you specify one of the following escape sequences as a
delimiter, textscan
converts that sequence to the
corresponding control character:
\b | Backspace |
\n | Newline |
\r | Carriage return |
\t | Tab |
\\ | Backslash (\ ) |
Data Types: char
| string
— Returned value for empty numeric fields
(default) | scalar
Returned value for empty numeric fields in delimited text files,
specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'EmptyValue'
a scalar.
— End-of-line characters
character vector | string
End-of-line characters, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a character vector or string. The character
vector must be '\r\n'
or it must specify a single character. Common
end-of-line characters are a newline character ('\n'
) or a carriage
return ('\r'
). If you specify '\r\n'
, then the
importing function treats any of \r
, \n
, and the
combination of the two (\r\n
) as end-of-line characters.
The default end-of-line sequence is \n
, \r
or \r\n
, depending on the contents of your file.
If there are missing values and an end-of-line sequence at the end of the last
line in a file, then the importing function returns empty values for those fields.
This ensures that individual cells in output cell array, C
, are the
same size.
Example: 'EndOfLine',':'
Data Types: char
| string
— Exponent characters
(default) | character vector | string
Exponent characters, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting
of 'ExpChars'
and a character vector or string.
The default exponent characters are e
, E
, d
and D
Data Types: char
| string
— Number of header lines
(default) | positive integer
Number of header lines, specified as the comma-separated pair
consisting of 'HeaderLines'
and a positive integer. textscan
the header lines, including the remainder of the current line.
— Multiple delimiter handling
0 (false)
(default) | 1 (true)
Multiple delimiter handling, specified as the comma-separated
pair consisting of 'MultipleDelimsAsOne'
and either true
or false
If true
, then the importing function treats consecutive
delimiters as a single delimiter. Repeated delimiters separated by
white-space are also treated as a single delimiter. You must also
specify the Delimiter
Example: 'MultipleDelimsAsOne',1
— Behavior when textscan
fails to read or convert
1 (true)
(default) | 0 (false)
Behavior when textscan
fails to read or convert,
specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'ReturnOnError'
either true
or false
. If true
, textscan
without an error and returns all fields read. If false
, textscan
with an error and does not return an output cell array.
— Placeholder text to treat as empty value
character vector | cell array of character vectors | string | string array
Placeholder text to treat as empty value, specified as the
comma-separated pair consisting of 'TreatAsEmpty'
a character vector, cell array of character vectors, string, or string
array. This option only applies to numeric fields.
Data Types: char
| string
— White-space characters
' \b\t'
(default) | character vector | string
White-space characters, specified as the comma-separated pair
consisting of 'Whitespace'
and a character vector
or string containing one or more characters. textscan
a space character, char(32)
, to any specified Whitespace
unless Whitespace
is empty (''
and formatSpec
includes any conversion specifier.
When you specify one of the following escape sequences as any
white-space character, textscan
converts that sequence
to the corresponding control character:
\b | Backspace |
\n | Newline |
\r | Carriage return |
\t | Tab |
\\ | Backslash (\ ) |
Data Types: char
| string
— Output data type of text
(default) | 'string'
Output data type of text, specified as the comma-separated pair
consisting of 'TextType'
and either 'char'
or 'string'
If you specify the value 'char'
, then textscan
text as a cell array of character vectors. If you specify the value 'string'
then textscan
returns text as an array of type string
Output Arguments
— File or text data
cell array
File or text data, returned as a cell array.
For each numeric conversion specifier in formatSpec
the textscan
function returns a K
-by-1 MATLAB numeric
vector to the output cell array, C
, where K
the number of times that textscan
finds a field
matching the specifier.
For each text conversion specifier (%s
, %q
or %[...]
) in formatSpec
, the textscan
returns a K
-by-1 cell array of character vectors,
where K
is the number of times that textscan
a field matching the specifier. For each character conversion that
includes a field width operator, textscan
a K
character array, where M
the field width.
For each datetime or categorical conversion specifier in formatSpec
the textscan
function returns a K
datetime or categorical vector to the output cell array, C
where K
is the number of times that textscan
a field matching the specifier.
— Position in the file or character vector
Position at the end of the scan, in the file or the character
vector, returned as an integer of class double
For a file, ftell
return the same value after calling textscan
. For
a character vector, position
indicates how many
characters textscan
converts numeric fields to the specified
output type according to MATLAB rules regarding overflow, truncation,
and the use of NaN
, Inf
, and -Inf
For example, MATLAB represents an integer NaN
zero. If textscan
finds an empty field associated
with an integer format specifier (such as %d
or %u
it returns the empty value as zero and not NaN
When matching data to a text conversion specifier, textscan
until it finds a delimiter or an end-of-line character. When matching
data to a numeric conversion specifier, textscan
until it finds a nonnumeric character. When textscan
no longer match the data to a particular conversion specifier, it
attempts to match the data to the next conversion specifier in the formatSpec
Sign (+
or -
), exponent characters,
and decimal points are considered numeric characters.
Sign | Digits | Decimal Point | Digits | Exponent Character | Sign | Digits |
Read one sign character if it exists. | Read one or more digits. | Read one decimal point if it exists. | If there is a decimal point, read one or more digits that immediately follow it. | Read one exponent character if it exists. | If there is an exponent character, read one sign character. | If there is an exponent character, read one or more digits that follow it. |
imports any complex number as a
whole into a complex numeric field, converting the real and imaginary
parts to the specified numeric type (such as %d
or %f
Valid forms for a complex number are:
±<real> ±<imag>i|j | Example: |
±<imag>i|j | Example: |
Do not include embedded white space in a complex number. textscan
embedded white space as a field delimiter.
Extended Capabilities
Thread-Based Environment
Run code in the background using MATLAB® backgroundPool
or accelerate code with Parallel Computing Toolbox™ ThreadPool
This function fully supports thread-based environments. For more information, see Run MATLAB Functions in Thread-Based Environment.
Version History
Introduced before R2006aR2022b: Use function in thread-based environments
This function supports thread-based environments.
MATLAB Command
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Run the command by entering it in the MATLAB Command Window. Web browsers do not support MATLAB commands.
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