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(Removed) Run checkcode for file or folder

mlintrpt has been removed. Use the Code Analyzer app instead. For information on updating your code, see Version History.


mlintrpt scans all MATLAB® code files in the current folder for Code Analyzer messages and reports the results in a MATLAB web browser.

mlintrpt(f) scans the specified file f.


mlintrpt(f, inputType) scans the specified file or folder f, as specified by inputType. Use 'file' to specify a file and 'dir' to specify a folder.

mlintrpt(___,settingsfile) overrides the default active settings file with the specified settings file. You can specify settingsfile with any of the input arguments in the previous syntaxes.


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Run mlintrpt on the example file lengthofline.m. MATLAB displays a report of potential problems and improvements for lengthofline.


Web Browser window showing the Code Analyzer Report for lengthofline.m

Input Arguments

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File or folder name, specified as a character vector. The file name can include a partial path, but must be in a folder on the search path, or in the current folder.

Input type, specified as 'file' if the input is a file or 'dir' if the input is a folder.

Settings file name, specified as a character vector. If the file is not in the current folder, provide the full path to the file.

For information about creating a settings file, see Save and Reuse Code Analyzer Message Settings. If you specify an invalid file, the first message in the report is 0: Unable to open or read the configuration file 'mymlint.txt'--using default settings.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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R2024b: Removed

mlintrpt has been removed. Use codeAnalyzer instead to open the Code Analyzer app and generate a report of issues for a selected file or folder and its subfolders.

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