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Class: matlab.unittest.TestCase
Namespace: matlab.unittest

Dynamically add diagnostics for test failures


onFailure(testcase,failureDiag) adds diagnostics for test failures. If a test fails, then the testing framework executes the diagnostics. By default, these diagnostics execute upon verification failures, assertion failures, fatal assertion failures, and uncaught exceptions.


onFailure(testcase,failureDiag,'IncludingAssumptionFailures',tf) indicates if the testing framework also executes diagnostics upon assumption failures. To execute diagnostics upon assumption failures also, set tf to true.

Input Arguments

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Instance of test case, specified as a matlab.unittest.TestCase object.

Diagnostic information to display upon a failure, specified as a character vector, string array, function handle, or array of matlab.automation.diagnostics.Diagnostic instances.

Example: @() disp('Failure Detected')

Example: matlab.unittest.diagnostics.ScreenshotDiagnostic

React to assumption failures, specified as false (logical 0) or true (logical 1). By default, this value is false and the testing framework executes diagnostics upon verification failures, assertion failures, fatal assertion failures, and uncaught exceptions. However, the framework does not execute diagnostics upon assumption failures. To execute additional diagnostics upon assumption failures, specify this value as true.


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In your current folder, create the SampleOnFailureTest test class.

classdef SampleOnFailureTest < matlab.unittest.TestCase
    methods (TestMethodSetup)
        function addFailureDiag(testCase)
            testCase.onFailure('Failure Detected')
    methods (Test)
        function verificationFailTest(testCase)
        function passingTest(testCase)
        function assumptionFailTest(testCase)
        function assertionFailTest(testCase)
            act = randi(100,1,15);
            floor = randi(100,1,15);
            f = figure;
            import matlab.unittest.diagnostics.FigureDiagnostic

At the command prompt, run the tests. The SampleOnFailureTest class has these results:

  • The diagnostic message 'Failure Detected' is displayed for each test with a verification, assertion, or fatal assertion failure, because addFailureDiag calls onFailure in a TestMethodSetup block.

  • The verificationFailTest test adds another diagnostic upon failure that displays the current date and time.

  • The assumptionFailTest test fails by assumption. Therefore, the 'Failure Detected' message is not displayed.

  • The assertionFailTest test plots the data. If the test fails, the testing framework saves the plot.

results = runtests('SampleOnFailureTest');
Running SampleOnFailureTest

Verification failed in SampleOnFailureTest/verificationFailTest.
    Framework Diagnostic:
    verifyEqual failed.
    --> The numeric values are not equal using "isequaln".
    --> Failure table:
            Actual    Expected    Error     RelativeError  
            ______    ________    _____    ________________
              42         13        29      2.23076923076923
    Actual Value:
    Expected Value:
    Additional Diagnostic:
    Failure Detected
    Additional Diagnostic:
       05-Feb-2021 12:13:36
    Stack Information:
    In C:\work\MyExamples\SampleOnFailureTest.m (SampleOnFailureTest.verificationFailTest) at 10
SampleOnFailureTest/assumptionFailTest was filtered.
Assertion failed in SampleOnFailureTest/assertionFailTest and it did not run to completion.
    Framework Diagnostic:
    assertGreaterThan failed.
    --> Each element must be greater than each corresponding element of the minimum value array.
        Failing Indices:
             3     8    10    11    13    15
    Actual Value:
      Columns 1 through 13
        44    59    29     8    93    66    31    55    84    52    18    97    23
      Columns 14 through 15
        95     2
    Minimum Value (Exclusive):
      Columns 1 through 13
         3    23    32     5    43     1    17    76    62    91    51    33    26
      Columns 14 through 15
        11   100
    Additional Diagnostic:
    Failure Detected
    Additional Diagnostic:
    Figure saved to:
    --> C:\work\Temp\Figure_20a2887e-85de-4398-8aa4-26ef8d3d921d.png
    Stack Information:
    In C:\work\MyExamples\SampleOnFailureTest.m (SampleOnFailureTest.assertionFailTest) at 27
Done SampleOnFailureTest

Failure Summary:

     Name                                      Failed  Incomplete  Reason(s)
     SampleOnFailureTest/verificationFailTest    X                 Failed by verification.
     SampleOnFailureTest/assumptionFailTest                X       Filtered by assumption.
     SampleOnFailureTest/assertionFailTest       X         X       Failed by assertion.


  • To add a diagnostic for each test in your class, call onFailure from a method in the TestMethodSetup block.

Version History

Introduced in R2017b

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