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Class: matlab.unittest.parameters.Parameter
Namespace: matlab.unittest.parameters

Create parameters from data


param = matlab.unittest.parameters.Parameter.fromData(prop,nameVal) creates an array of Parameter instances where prop defines the parameterization property name for all Parameter elements and nameVal defines the name and value for each Parameter element.

Using fromData is analogous to defining parameters within a class-based test using a properties block. For example:

    properties (TestParameter)
        prop = nameVal;
However, with fromData you can redefine existing parameters from outside the test class.

Use the fromData method to redefine parameters defined in the TestParameter, MethodSetupParameter, or ClassSetupParameter properties block of a parameterized test.


param = matlab.unittest.parameters.Parameter.fromData(prop1,nameVal1,...,propN,nameValN) defines Parameter instances with multiple parameterization property names.


Input Arguments

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Parameterization property name, specified as a string scalar or character vector.

Example: "myParam"

Parameter names and values, specified as a nonempty cell array or structure.

  • If nameVal is a cell array, each element of the cell array represents a parameter value. MATLAB® generates parameter names from the elements by taking into account their values, types, and dimensions.

  • If nameVal is a structure, the structure fields represent the parameter names and the structure values represent the parameter values.

Example: struct('small',1,'medium',10,'large',100)

Example: {42,7,13}

Example: {'double','single','uint16'}


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In your working folder, create testZeros.m. This class contains five test methods, resulting in eleven parameterized tests.

classdef testZeros < matlab.unittest.TestCase
    properties (TestParameter)
        type = {'single','double','uint16'};
        outSize = struct('s2d',[3 3], 's3d',[2 5 4]);
    methods (Test)
        function testClass(testCase, type, outSize)
            testCase.verifyClass(zeros(outSize,type), type);
        function testSize(testCase, outSize)
            testCase.verifySize(zeros(outSize), outSize);
        function testDefaultClass(testCase)
            testCase.verifyClass(zeros, 'double');
        function testDefaultSize(testCase)
            testCase.verifySize(zeros, [1 1]);
        function testDefaultValue(testCase)

Redefine the type parameter so that the test uses uint64 and int64 data types in the parameterization instead of single, double, and uint16. Create parameters.

import matlab.unittest.parameters.Parameter
newType = {'int64','uint64'};
param = Parameter.fromData('type',newType);

Create a test suite that injects the param parameters. View the names of the tests in the suite. The injected parameters are indicated by #ext.

import matlab.unittest.TestSuite
suite = TestSuite.fromClass(?testZeros,'ExternalParameters',param);
ans =

  9×1 cell array

    {'testZeros/testClass(type=int64#ext,outSize=s2d)' }
    {'testZeros/testClass(type=int64#ext,outSize=s3d)' }
    {'testZeros/testSize(outSize=s2d)'                 }
    {'testZeros/testSize(outSize=s3d)'                 }
    {'testZeros/testDefaultClass'                      }
    {'testZeros/testDefaultSize'                       }
    {'testZeros/testDefaultValue'                      }

Run the suite.

results =;
Running testZeros
Done testZeros

Redefine the outSize parameter so that the test parameterizes for 1-d and 4-d arrays. Create parameters from newType and newSize.

newSize = struct('s2d',[5 3],'s4d',[2 3 2 4]);
param = Parameter.fromData('type',newType,'outSize',newSize);

Create a test suite that injects the param parameters. View the names of the tests in the suite. The injected parameters are indicated by #ext.

import matlab.unittest.TestSuite
suite = TestSuite.fromClass(?testZeros,'ExternalParameters',param);
ans =

  9×1 cell array

    {'testZeros/testClass(type=int64#ext,outSize=s2d#ext)' }
    {'testZeros/testClass(type=int64#ext,outSize=s4d#ext)' }
    {'testZeros/testSize(outSize=s2d#ext)'                 }
    {'testZeros/testSize(outSize=s4d#ext)'                 }
    {'testZeros/testDefaultClass'                          }
    {'testZeros/testDefaultSize'                           }
    {'testZeros/testDefaultValue'                          }

Run the suite.

results =;
Running testZeros
Done testZeros

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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