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.NET Enumerations in MATLAB

Create and combine .NET enumerations in MATLAB®

MATLAB allows you to work with .NET enumerations using features of the MATLAB enumeration class and some features unique to .NET.

Enumerations contain members, methods, and underlying values. Terms you should know:

  • Enumeration — In MATLAB, a class having a finite set of named instances. In the following topics, the term enumeration refers to a .NET enumeration.

  • Enumeration member — Named instance of an enumeration class.

  • Underlying value — Numeric value associated with an enumeration member.


The MATLAB language supports user-defined enumeration classes. If you are using enumerations defined in MATLAB, refer to the topics under the creating MATLAB classes Enumerations category.


bitnot.NET enumeration object bit-wise NOT instance method



Limitations to Support of .NET Enumerations

.NET features not supported in MATLAB.

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