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Generate Custom Timing Database for Custom Tools and Devices

To generate a custom timing database for tools and devices, HDL Coder™ uses the characterization of basic design components, such as Simulink® blocks, block architectures, and subcomponents of those blocks, for specific target devices and passes this information to a hdlcoder.TimingGenerator object. The hdlcoder.TimingGenerator object generates a timing information file with static timing information. The genhdltdb function uses the timing information file to generate a custom timing database.

Block diagram of characterization with custom timing generator object.

You can generate a timing generator object by using the hdlcoder.TimingGenerator handle class. HDL Coder includes timing generator objects for Cadence® Genus, Intel® Quartus®, and Xilinx® Vivado® that you can use to create a custom timing generator for your tool or device. For more information, see hdlcoder.TimingGenerator.

The timing generator object outputs a comma-separated value (CSV) text file that contains the propagation delays in nanoseconds (ns). For example, suppose you use the model in this image

characterization model

The timing generator outputs this CSV text file:

output CSV text file.

The file contains information in this format: DelayInfo, source_type, destination_type, propagation delay (ns).

The source_type or destination_type fields are of type:

  • mw_internal_registers — Any internal register inside the subsystem that contains the block to be characterized.

  • mw_inport_# — Numbered input to the operator starting at index zero. For example, mw_inport_0, mw_inport_1, and so on.

  • mw_outport_# — Numbered output from the operator starting at index zero. For example, mw_outport_0, mw_outport_1, and so on.

  • propagation delay (ns) — The value in nanoseconds for either internal-to-internal, input-to-internal, internal-to-output, or input-to-output propagation delay. If a timing path does not exist, this value is inf. This field contains the timing information for every path.

hdlcoder.TimingGenerator Method Options

Since R2024b

Perform synthesis and timing analysis for a custom device using any tool, by creating a custom hdlcoder.TimingGenerator class. To create a custom timing class:

  1. Create a custom hdlcoder.TimingGenerator class that inherits from the base hdlcoder.TimingGenerator class.

  2. Define methods inside the custom hdlcoder.TimingGenerator class to perform actions such as generating or calling TCL scripts that create projects, perform synthesis, perform timing analysis, remove setup and clock-to-Q delays from timing reports, and so on.

For an example on creating a custom timing generator class, see Examine Xilinx Vivado Custom Timing Generator Class. This table lists the methods that you can define in a custom timing class. You must define the synthesizeRTL and hasDSPs methods. If you set the hasDSPs method to true, you must define the countDSPs, dspSynthesisAttribute, and dontTouchSynthesisAttribute methods. If your device does not have DSPs or you do not want to characterize your DSPs, set hasDSPs to false.

Method NamePurposeInputsOutputsMethod Definition Required
synthesizeRTLGenerate or call TCL scripts that create projects, perform synthesis, and perform timing analysis.hdlcoder.TimingGenerator objectStatus of the method returned as a logical data type and a log text.Yes
postProcessTimingInfoRemove setup and clock-to-Q delays from timing reports.hdlcoder.TimingGenerator object and a MATLAB® structure array containing timing information.

MATLAB structure array that contains timing information.

useSynchronousResetTell HDL Coder what to set the global resets to.No inputstrue or false. If the method returns true, generate synchronous resets. If the method returns false, generate asynchronous resets.No
hasDSPsEnable characterization of device DSPs.No inputsReturns true if the manufacturer uses DSPs.Yes
countDSPsReturn the number of DSPs found during synthesis.Synthesis log textReturns the number of DSPs counted during synthesisYes, if hasDSPs is true.
dspSynthesisAttributeForce multipliers to map to DSPs.No inputsReturns a cell array of synthesis attribute name-value arguments to use during HDL code generation.Yes, if hasDSPs is true.
dontTouchSynthesisAttributePrevent optimization of signals connected to input and output pipeline registers during synthesis.No inputsReturns a cell array of synthesis attribute name-value arguments to use during HDL code generation.Yes, if hasDSPs is true.

See Also

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