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coder.FixPtConfig Class

Namespace: coder

Floating-point to fixed-point conversion configuration object


A coder.FixPtConfig object contains the configuration parameters that the HDL codegen function requires to convert floating-point MATLAB® code to fixed-point MATLAB code during HDL code generation. Use the -float2fixed option to pass this object to the codegen function.


fixptcfg = coder.config('fixpt') creates a coder.FixPtConfig object for floating-point to fixed-point conversion.


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Enable derived range analysis, specified as true or false.

Enable collection and reporting of simulation range data, specified as true or false. If you need to run a long simulation to cover the complete dynamic range of your design, consider disabling simulation range collection and running derived range analysis instead.

Default fixed-point fraction length, specified as a positive integer.

Default signedness of variables in the generated code, specified as 'Automatic', 'Signed', or 'Unsigned'.

Default fixed-point word length, specified as a positive integer.

Enable detection of overflows using scaled doubles, specified as true or false.

fimath properties to use for conversion, specified as a fimath object.

Suffix for fixed-point file names, specified as a string.

View the numeric types report after the software has proposed fixed-point types, specified as true or false.

Enable simulation data logging to plot the data differences introduced by fixed-point conversion, specified as true or false.

Optimize the word lengths of variables whose simulation min/max logs indicate that they are always whole numbers, specified as true or false.

Name of function to use for comparison plots.

LogIOForComparisonPlotting must be set to true to enable comparison plotting. This option takes precedence over PlotWithSimulationDataInspector.

The plot function should accept three inputs:

  • A structure that holds the name of the variable and the function that uses it.

  • A cell array to hold the logged floating-point values for the variable.

  • A cell array to hold the logged values for the variable after fixed-point conversion.

Use the Simulation Data Inspector for comparison plots, specified as true or false.

LogIOForComparisonPlotting must be set to true to enable comparison plotting. The PlotFunction option takes precedence over PlotWithSimulationDataInspector.

Propose fixed-point types based on DefaultWordLength, specified as true or false.

By default (false), propose data types with the minimum word length needed to represent the value. When set to true, propose data type with the smallest word length that can represent the range and is suitable for C code generation ( 8, 16, 32, 64, … ). For example, for a variable with range [0..7], propose a word length of 8 rather than 3.

Propose fixed-point types based on DefaultFractionLength, specified as true or false.

Propose data types based on simulation range data, derived ranges, or both, specified as 'BothSimulationAndDerivedRanges', 'SimulationRanges', or 'DerivedRanges'.

Safety margin percentage by which to increase the simulation range when proposing fixed-point types, specified as a real number greater than -100.

Data Types: double

Perform faster static analysis, specified as true or false.

Abort analysis if timeout is reached, specified as a positive integer.

Test bench function name or names, specified as a string or cell array of strings. You must specify at least one test bench. If you do not explicitly specify input parameter data types, the conversion uses the first test bench function to infer these data types.

Data Types: string | cell

Enable numerics testing, specified as true or false.


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Create a coder.FixPtConfig object, fixptcfg, with default settings.

fixptcfg = coder.config('fixpt');

Set the test bench name. In this example, the test bench function name is mlhdlc_dti_tb.

fixptcfg.TestBenchName = 'mlhdlc_dti_tb';

Create a coder.HdlConfig object, hdlcfg, with default settings.

hdlcfg = coder.config('hdl');

Convert your floating-point MATLAB design to fixed-point, and generate HDL code. In this example, the MATLAB design function name is mlhdlc_dti.

codegen -float2fixed fixptcfg -config hdlcfg mlhdlc_dti;


You can also generate HDL code from MATLAB code using the HDL Workflow Advisor. For more information, see Basic HDL Code Generation and FPGA Synthesis from MATLAB.

Version History

Introduced in R2014b