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Constant velocity angle-parameterized EKF initialization


filter = initapekf(detection) configures the filter with 10 extended Kalman filters (EKFs). The function configures the process noise with unit standard deviation in acceleration.

The angle-parameterized extended Kalman filter (APEKF) is a Gaussian-sum filter (trackingGSF) with multiple EKFs, each initialized at an estimated angular position of the target. Angle-parametrization is a commonly used technique to initialize a filter from a range-only detection.

filter = initapekf(detection,numFilters) specifies the number of EKFs in the filter.


filter = initapekf(detection,numFilters,angleLimits) specifies the limits on angular position of the target.


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The APEKF is a special type of filter that can be initialized using range-only measurements. When the 'Frame' is set to 'spherical', the detection has [azimuth elevation range range-rate] measurements. Specify the measurement parameters appropriately to define a range-only measurement.

measParam = struct('Frame','Spherical','HasAzimuth',false,'HasElevation',false,'HasVelocity',false,'OriginPosition',[100;10;0]);

The objectDetection class defines an interface to the range-only detection measured by the sensor. The MeasurementParameters field of objectDetection carries information about what the sensor is measuring.

detection = objectDetection(0,100,'MeasurementNoise',100,'MeasurementParameters',measParam)
detection = 
  objectDetection with properties:

                     Time: 0
              Measurement: 100
         MeasurementNoise: 100
              SensorIndex: 1
            ObjectClassID: 0
    ObjectClassParameters: []
    MeasurementParameters: [1x1 struct]
         ObjectAttributes: {}

The initapekf function uses the range-only detection to initialize the APEKF.

apekf = initapekf(detection) %#ok
apekf = 
  trackingGSF with properties:

                     State: [6x1 double]
           StateCovariance: [6x6 double]

           TrackingFilters: {10x1 cell}
    HasMeasurementWrapping: [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
        ModelProbabilities: [10x1 double]

          MeasurementNoise: 100

You can also initialize the APEKF with 10 filters and to operate within the angular limits of [-30 30] degrees.

angleLimits = [-30 30];
numFilters = 10;
apekf = initapekf(detection, numFilters, angleLimits)
apekf = 
  trackingGSF with properties:

                     State: [6x1 double]
           StateCovariance: [6x6 double]

           TrackingFilters: {10x1 cell}
    HasMeasurementWrapping: [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
        ModelProbabilities: [10x1 double]

          MeasurementNoise: 100

You can also specify the initapekf function as a FilterInitializationFcn to the trackerGNN object.

funcHandle = @(detection)initapekf(detection,numFilters,angleLimits)
funcHandle = function_handle with value:

tracker = trackerGNN('FilterInitializationFcn',funcHandle);

Visualize the filter.

tp = theaterPlot;
componentPlot = trackPlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Individual sums','MarkerFaceColor','r');
sumPlot = trackPlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Mixed State','MarkerFaceColor','g');

indFilters = apekf.TrackingFilters;
pos = zeros(numFilters,3);
cov = zeros(3,3,numFilters);
for i = 1:numFilters
    pos(i,:) = indFilters{i}.State(1:2:end);
    cov(1:3,1:3,i) = indFilters{i}.StateCovariance(1:2:end,1:2:end);

mixedPos = apekf.State(1:2:end)';
mixedPosCov = apekf.StateCovariance(1:2:end,1:2:end);

Create an angle-parameterized EKF from an [az r] detection.

measParam = struct('Frame','Spherical','HasAzimuth',true,'HasElevation',false,'HasVelocity',false,'OriginPosition',[100;10;0]);

The objectDetection class defines an interface to the range-only detection measured by the sensor. The MeasurementParameters field of objectDetection carries information about what the sensor is measuring.

det = objectDetection(0,[30;100],'MeasurementParameters',measParam,'MeasurementNoise',10);

The initapekf function parameterizes the apekf filter on the elevation measurement.

numFilters = 10;
apekf = initapekf(det,numFilters,[-30 30]);
indFilters = apekf.TrackingFilters;
pos = zeros(numFilters,3);
cov = zeros(3,3,numFilters);
for i = 1:numFilters
    pos(i,:) = indFilters{i}.State(1:2:end);
    cov(1:3,1:3,i) = indFilters{i}.StateCovariance(1:2:end,1:2:end);

Visualize the filter.

tp = theaterPlot;
componentPlot = trackPlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Individual sums','MarkerFaceColor','r');
sumPlot = trackPlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Mixed State','MarkerFaceColor','g');
mixedPos = apekf.State(1:2:end)';
mixedPosCov = apekf.StateCovariance(1:2:end,1:2:end);

Input Arguments

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Detection report, specified as an objectDetection object.

Example: detection = objectDetection(0,[1;4.5;3],'MeasurementNoise', [1.0 0 0; 0 2.0 0; 0 0 1.5])

Number of EKFs each initialized at an estimated angular position of the target, specified as a positive integer. When not specified, the default number of EKFs is 10.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Angular limits of the target, specified as a two-element vector. The two elements in the vector represent the lower and upper limits of the target angular position.

When the function detects:

  • Range measurements –– Default angular limits are [–180 180].

  • Azimuth and range measurements –– Default angular limits are [–90 90].

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Output Arguments

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Constant velocity angle-parameterized extended Kalman filter (EKF), returned as a trackingGSF object.


The function can support the following types of measurements in the detection.

  • Range measurements –– Parameterization is done on the azimuth of the target, and the angular limits are [–180 180] by default.

  • Azimuth and range measurements –– Parameterization is done on the elevation of the target, and the angular limits are [–90 90] by default.


[1] Ristic, Branko, Sanjeev Arulampalam, and James McCarthy. "Target motion analysis using range-only measurements: algorithms, performance and application to ISAR data." Signal Processing 82, no. 2 (2002): 273-296.

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Version History

Introduced in R2018b