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주행 시나리오 디자이너 | Design driving scenarios, configure sensors, and generate synthetic data |
도움말 항목
- Create Driving Scenario Interactively and Generate Synthetic Sensor Data
Use the Driving Scenario Designer app to create a driving scenario and generate sensor detections and point cloud data from the scenario.
- Create Roads with Multiple Lane Specifications Using Driving Scenario Designer
Use the Driving Scenario Designer app to create roads with multiple lane specifications.
- Generate INS Sensor Measurements from Interactive Driving Scenario
Generate fused inertial navigation and GPS measurements from a driving scenario created using the Driving Scenario Designer app, and export the data to MATLAB®.
- Create Reverse Motion Driving Scenarios Interactively
Create driving scenarios in which vehicles drive in reverse by using the Driving Scenario Designer app.
- Prebuilt Driving Scenarios in Driving Scenario Designer
Test driving algorithms on prebuilt driving scenarios in the Driving Scenario Designer app. These scenarios include common intersection, turn, and U-turn traffic patterns.
- Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Actions for Driving Scenario Designer
Use keyboard shortcuts and mouse actions to increase productivity while using the Driving Scenario Designer app.