경쟁 계층
간단한 신경망을 사용하여 표본의 군집에 대한 프로토타입 벡터 식별
competlayer | 경쟁 계층 |
view | 얕은 신경망 보기 |
train | 얕은 신경망 훈련 |
trainru | Unsupervised random order weight/bias training |
learnk | Kohonen weight learning function |
learncon | Conscience bias learning function |
genFunction | 얕은 신경망 시뮬레이션에 사용할 MATLAB 함수 생성 |
도움말 항목
- Cluster with a Competitive Neural Network
- Deploy Shallow Neural Network Functions
Simulate and deploy trained shallow neural networks using MATLAB® tools.
- Deploy Training of Shallow Neural Networks
Learn how to deploy training of shallow neural networks.
- Competitive Learning
Neurons in a competitive layer learn to represent different regions of the input space where input vectors occur.