phytree object
Data structure containing phylogenetic tree
A phytree object is a data structure containing a phylogenetic tree. Phylogenetic trees are binary rooted trees, which means that each branch is the parent of two other branches, two leaves, or one branch and one leaf. A phytree object can be ultrametric or nonultrametric.
Method Summary
Following are methods of a phytree object:
cluster | Validate clusters in phylogenetic tree |
get | Retrieve information about phylogenetic tree object |
getbyname | Branches and leaves from phytree object |
getcanonical | Calculate canonical form of phylogenetic tree |
getmatrix | Convert phytree object into relationship matrix |
getnewickstr | Create Newick-formatted character vector |
pdist | Calculate pairwise patristic distances in phytree object |
plot | Draw phylogenetic tree |
prune | Remove branch nodes from phylogenetic tree |
reorder | Reorder leaves of phylogenetic tree |
reroot | Change root of phylogenetic tree |
select | Select tree branches and leaves in phytree object |
subtree | Extract phylogenetic subtree |
view | View phylogenetic tree |
weights | Calculate weights for phylogenetic tree |
Property Summary
You cannot modify these properties directly. You can access these properties using
the get
Property | Description |
NumLeaves | Number of leaves |
NumBranches | Number of branches |
NumNodes | Number of nodes (NumLeaves +
NumBranches ) |
Pointers | Branch to leaf/branch connectivity list |
Distances | Edge length for every leaf/branch |
LeafNames | Names of the leaves |
BranchNames | Names of the branches |
NodeNames | Names of all the nodes |
Version History
Introduced in R2006b
See Also
| phytreeread
| phytreeviewer
| phytreewrite
| seqlinkage
| seqneighjoin
| seqpdist
| cluster
| get
| getbyname
| getcanonical
| getmatrix
| getnewickstr
| pdist
| plot
| prune
| reroot
| select
| subtree
| view
| weights