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Azimuth plane radiation pattern of antenna or array


patternAzimuth(object,frequency,elevation) plots the 2-D radiation pattern of the antenna or array object in the azimuth plane over a specified frequency. Elevation values default to zero if not specified.


patternAzimuth(object,frequency,elevation,Azimuth=Value) uses the specified range of azimuth angles to plot the 2-D radiation pattern of the antenna or array in the azimuth plane over a specified frequency. Elevation values default to zero if not specified. Azimuth values default to [-180:1:180] if not specified.


directivity = patternAzimuth(object,frequency,elevation) returns the directivity of the antenna or array object over a specified frequency. Elevation values defaults to zero if not specified.

directivity = patternAzimuth(object,frequency,elevation,Azimuth=Value) uses the specified range of azimuth angles to calculate the directivity of the antenna or array object over a specified frequency. Elevation values default to zero if not specified. Azimuth values default to [-180:1:180] if not specified.


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Calculate and plot the azimuth radiation pattern of the helix antenna at 2 GHz.

h = helix; 

Figure contains an axes object and an object of type uicontainer. The hidden axes object contains 2 objects of type line, text. This object represents el=0° .

Calculate and plot the azimuth radiation pattern of the dipole antenna at 70 MHz at elevation values of 0 and 45.

 d = dipole; 
 patternAzimuth(d,70e6,[0 45],Azimuth=-140:5:140);

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains 3 objects of type line, text. These objects represent el=0° Ⓐ , el=45° .

Input Arguments

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Antenna or array from catalog, custom antenna or array, or installed antenna on a platform to calculate/plot the azimuth plane directivity pattern, specified as an antenna or array object.

Example: dipole

Example: rectangularArray

Frequency to calculate/plot azimuth directivity pattern, specified as a scalar in Hz.

Example: 70e6

Data Types: double

Elevation angle values, specified as a vector in degrees.

Example: [0 45]

Data Types: double

Range of azimuth angles to calculate the directivity of antenna or array, specified as a vector in degrees.

Example: Azimuth=2:2:340

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

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Antenna or array directivity, returned as a matrix in dBi. The matrix size is the product of number of elevation values and number of azimuth values.

Version History

Introduced in R2015a

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