Jihye Sofia Seo
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SWE@Google with a PhD in Physics (String Theory, 2010) from Harvard University and 4 years of data science/machine learning at Berlin startups.
https://github.com/jihyeseo/ Arctic Code Vault Contributor for non-code non-English documentation, PyGame
https://leetcode.com/jihyeseo/ 80% solved. Learning Kotlin
https://www.hackerrank.com/jihyeseodr Learning Kotlin
http://practice.geeksforgeeks.org/user-profile.php?user=Jihye%20Sofia%20Seo Learning C++
https://www.coursera.org/user/cdd7d0056373b9a3c156cd0567fafd0e Auditing free ML/SWE courses
https://www.kaggle.com/jihyeseo Learning
https://de.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/profile/authors/9686256?s_tid=cody_local_to_profile Learning Matlab/Octave
Also love edx and educative for learning
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It dseon't mettar waht oedrr the lrettes in a wrod are.
An internet meme from 2003 (read more <http://www.snopes.com/language/apocryph/cambridge.asp here>) asserted that readers are re...
대략 7년 전
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Remove all the words that end with "ain"
Given the string s1, return the string s2 with the target characters removed. For example, given s1 = 'the main event' your ...
대략 7년 전
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Remove all the consonants
Remove all the consonants in the given phrase. Example: Input s1 = 'Jack and Jill went up the hill'; Output s2 is 'a ...
대략 7년 전
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Basic electricity in a dry situation
⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ &#...
대략 7년 전
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Energy of a photon
*⚛ ☢ ⚛ ☢ ⚛ ☢ ⚛* Given the frequency F of a photon in giga hertz. Find energy E of this...
대략 7년 전
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Divisible by 16
Write a function to determine if a number is divisible by 16. This can be done by a few different methods. Here are two: # If...
대략 7년 전
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Divisible by 8
Pursuant to the <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/42404-divisible-by-2 first problem> in this series, this o...
대략 7년 전
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remove every row&col for every nan
for a given matrix, remove the row and column of every nan. Example x=[1 2 NaN 4 5 6 7 8 ...
대략 7년 전
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Eye Squared
For a positive integer |n| create the identity matrix with |n| elements. In case it is not possible to produce an identity ma...
대략 7년 전
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Add 3 (x<=100) Or Subtract 100 and add 3(100<x)
Add 3 to every element. However, if the value is greater than 100, subtract 100 and add 3. eg. input x = [45 106; 67 1...
대략 7년 전
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A kind of decryption
Please convert the vector to letters by referring to the examples below. (eg.1) input vec=[34 1 59] >>> output s='A Z' (eg...
대략 7년 전
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Let's make puddings !
We will make puddings with eggs, milk and sugar. To make one pudding, we need one egg, 140(cc) of milk, 15 (g) of sugar. Now W...
대략 7년 전
문제를 풀었습니다
I hope to lose weight healthily...
In order to reduce weight healthily, weight will be reduced by 4% every month. Please calculate how many months it will take...
대략 7년 전
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The proportion of NaN in the data
If NaN occupies less than half of the input data, return 1, otherwise return 0. eg. input x = [1 2 NaN ; 4 NaN 6] >>> out...
대략 7년 전
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Vector pop
Take |n| elements from the end of the vector |v| and return both the shorten vector |v| and the |n| elements in a separate vecto...
대략 7년 전
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Please check the last row
We have data of matrix, that is input. That contains 2 or more rows and the last row should contain the average of each column,...
대략 7년 전
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Probability of red tulips
I hope to give you bulbs of tulip. But I do not know the color of those petals. I just know that the color is red, white or yell...
대략 7년 전
문제를 풀었습니다
Average of odd values
Find the average of odd values in given a matrix. e.g x=[ 4 11 8 ; 9 2 7 ] y =( 11 + 9+ 7 ) / 3
대략 7년 전
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Calculate feeling temperature before climbing a mountain
I sometimes climb a mountain. As is well known, when the altitude becomes 100 (m) higher, the temperature lowers by 0.6 degrees...
대략 7년 전
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Check whether the given angle is between zero and pi. Return logical true or false.
대략 7년 전
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Given a square and a circle, please decide whether the square covers more area.
You know the side of a square and the diameter of a circle, please decide whether the square covers more area.
대략 7년 전
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Simple spirometer - find your lung capacity from the number and size of soap bubbles in one breath
Assumed that each bubble has practically the same diameter d. Given total number n of bubbles. Find volume v of breath.
대략 7년 전
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Find the sum of the largest two elements in a vector
With this one, you have to find the two largest elements in a vector and output the sum of those numbers.
대략 7년 전
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Matrix Generation from Vector Multiplication
Output the matrix generated from multiplying two vectors together
대략 7년 전
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Vector indexing: lower than mean
Find all values in a vector lower than the mean of the vector
대략 7년 전
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Matrix element wise multiplication
Take two incoming vectors, and multiply them element wise
대략 7년 전