
Sunny Guha


Last seen: 대략 2년 전 2022년부터 활동

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Documentation on creating a box label datastore for bounding box label data with Sublabels?
Hi Ashley, Apologies for the delayed response to your query, I just saw it. If you have multiple objects to label the recomme...

2년 초과 전 | 1

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"Unable to find any region proposals to use as positive training samples." using trainFastRCNNObjectDetector
Hi folks, One reason for this message is that the bounding box lables might be too small compared to the image dimensions (<2% ...

2년 초과 전 | 0

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Training YOLO V2 with multiple (more than one) classes
Hi Zahra Please refer to this R2022a example on training YOLO v2 for multiple classes:

2년 초과 전 | 0