
Ramesh Singh

Last seen: 4개월 전 2020년부터 활동

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BE in mechanical from tribhuvan university nepal personal interest machine learning, deep learning etc


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  • Introduction to MATLAB Master
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Find Logic 27

거의 2년 전

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Number Puzzle - 071

거의 2년 전

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Find the Pattern 3

거의 2년 전

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Transpose the Matrix
Transpose the given matrix, e.g. x=[a b;c d] transpose of x = [a c;b d]

대략 3년 전

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Flipping a Matrix
Flipping matrix up and down. If a central row is exists, leave it, and flip remaining rows. Example Mat = magic(3) ...

대략 3년 전

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Given a matrix, find the cofactor of the element in 'i'th row and 'j'th column.

대략 3년 전

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Factorial !
Calculate the factorial of a non-negative integer without using the built in function *factorial*

대략 3년 전

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sum all digits
input = 123456789, output = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 = 45

대략 3년 전

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Find the mean of two vectors
Take two vectors, and output the mean of them (bonus if you don't use the in-built mean function)

대략 3년 전

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Matrix Generation from Vector Multiplication
Output the matrix generated from multiplying two vectors together

대략 3년 전

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Simple Vector Addition
Take two incoming vectors and output the sum of the two vectors

대략 3년 전

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Vector Element Multiplication
Take two incoming vectors, and output the element wise multiplication of the vectors.

대략 3년 전

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Matrix Ax=B problem
Take a incoming A and B vector, and solve for x

대략 3년 전

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Find the sum of the largest two elements in a vector
With this one, you have to find the two largest elements in a vector and output the sum of those numbers.

대략 3년 전

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Matrix Max Finder
Output the maximum value in a matrix

대략 3년 전

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Find the index of the lowest number in a matrix
Take a matrix, and find the [row cal] index of the lowest number

대략 3년 전

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Matrix multiplication
Multiply two incoming matrices via matrix multiplication

대략 3년 전

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Matrix element wise multiplication
Take two incoming vectors, and multiply them element wise

대략 3년 전

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find the roots of a quadratic equation
for e.g x = [ 2 -1 -3] y = [1.5 -1]

대략 3년 전

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Resizing Matrices
Take an 4x3 matrix, and resize it to a 2x6 matrix

대략 3년 전

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Vector indexing: lower than mean
Find all values in a vector lower than the mean of the vector

대략 3년 전

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Sum two matrices
Take two incoming matrices, and sum them

대략 3년 전

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easy problem
Find the last element of the array

대략 3년 전

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Array of Ones
Create a 100 X 100 array of ones.

대략 3년 전

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Determine if a row vector has NaN
Determine if a row vector x has NaN

대략 3년 전

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calculate the tangent of angle in radians
Calculate the tangent of angle in degrees

대략 3년 전

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Test if a number is numeric or not
Test if a number is numeric or not

대략 3년 전

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factorial of a number x
Factorial of a number x

대략 3년 전

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Create a square matrix of zeros of even order
Create a square matrix of zeros of even order

대략 3년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Speed of car
Calculate the Speed of car given its Distance travelled and time taken in x and y respectively

대략 3년 전

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