Alexandru Bitca
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Parfor loop hangs in R2021b
I have a parfor loop that runs fine in R2021a. The same exact parfor loop in R2021b hangs and I have to CTRL + C to stop it. Whe...
2년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Can protected models be linearized?
I have a protected model with access only to the input which I can set as the Input Perturbation and the output which I can set ...
대략 3년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
heatmap cannot have Axes or uiaxes as parent
The heatmap function, as of release R2019b, cannot have an uiaxes container as a parent. Any workaround this limitation? Mathw...
대략 5년 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
Transport delay block numerical problem
I have a Simulink model which contains a Transport Delay block that is being fed with a constant value when it causes the follow...
5년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Matlab uitable column font size using html not working
I have a uitable within a uipanel. I'm trying to change the column header font size using following HTML code: 'ColumnName',{'...
5년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 3 | 2
Class with dynamic properties but no handle
Hi, This might seem like a stupid thing to ask but humour me: I have a class (call it ParameterClass) that is a subclass of th...
5년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Why is Simulink Accelerator Regenerating Code?
I have a model which has variables stored in the model workspace. I frequently assign new values to certain variables in the mo...
거의 6년 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
Getting Warning: Cannot construct fi object; converting to double when running Simulink model
I have a simulink model which whenever I run it spits out the following warning: "Warning: Cannot construct fi object; converti...
거의 6년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 1