

Last seen: 대략 3년 전 2017년부터 활동

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How can I plot Spherical Coordinates, showing R, Theta and Phi, like animated image attached? And Cylindrical Coordinates?
I need to make an animation in which it would be possible to check the variation between R, Theta and Phi in the sphere as it va...

3년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0



답변 있음
Hey guys, I just started using matlab. Why is this showing as the function being undefined
1º Try this: function [x] = myequation(a, b, c) top = sqrt(b-4*a); botton = c^7; x = (b+top)/botton; 2º Save yo...

대략 7년 전 | 0

답변 있음
How to play and stop audio file
I will show two different methods I know: 1º method In function OpeningFCN contained in .m file created by figure of GUI, ...

대략 7년 전 | 7

답변 있음
Hello guys, please help me to solve the below mentioned error regarding clearing arduino object
Hi, you cannot use x this way. If you are using pin 13 as digital output, try: x = 1; writeDigitalPin(a, 'D13', x); b...

대략 7년 전 | 0


How can I set analog resolution bits (10 bits to 12 bits) in an Arduino Due board using just MatLAB (without s-function of Simulink)?
There are questions like that in MathWorks but I don't find anything that answered my problem. I'm make a program using GUI in M...

7년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 1

