Fast page-wise matrix decomposition

버전 1.0.2 (8.4 KB) 작성자: wfH
Perform commonly used matrix decomposition (QR, EIG, SVD) for N-D arrays using C-Mex and LAPACK library.
다운로드 수: 46
업데이트 날짜: 2023/6/2

라이선스 보기

recommend using the builtin `pagesvd` (R2021b), `pageeig` (R2023a).
When I was working on human motion analysis and inverse kinematics, SVD and EIG had to be called for many many many times.(for estimating rotations)
As the for-loop was quite slow, I tried to use mex-file and LAPACK library to speed up the performance.
There are three functions provided.
MDQR is page-wise QR for N-D arrays.
MDEIG is page-wise EIG for N-D arrays.
MDSVD is page-wise SVD for N-D arrays.(As MATLAB has introduced a new function called `pagesvd`, recommend using that for stability and performance. `MDSVD` might be deprecated.)
Before using these functions, you must compile the mex-file (directly call the function without any input argument to compile).
I don't know much about c-language, so the source code is ugly.
I would appreciate if you could kindly leave your comments.
Please be nice haha.

인용 양식

wfH (2024). Fast page-wise matrix decomposition (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2020a
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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

doc: add recommendation


As MATLAB has introduced a new function called `pagesvd` for page-wise SVD. `MDSVD` might be deprecated.
