버전 21.4.7 (52.8 KB) 작성자:
Srinivas Gorur Shandilya
MATLAB class to control and manipulate models, simulations, functions...anything
The Problem:
You have a simulation or a function with some parameters. It's complicated
You want to get a feel for it by twiddling the parameters and seeing how it changes
It's a pain to write bespoke wrappers for your code and worry about UI generation
The solution
puppeteer does all the hard work of generating UI elements for you.
인용 양식
Srinivas Gorur Shandilya (2025). puppeteer (https://github.com/sg-s/puppeteer/releases/tag/v21.4.7), GitHub. 검색 날짜: .
MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
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21.4.7 |
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