
버전 1.0 (853 KB) 작성자: cui,xingxing
Simple reasoning code, just run demo.mlx(yolov5) or yolox_main.m
다운로드 수: 1.9K
업데이트 날짜: 2021/3/20
Import yolov5*.onnx for inference, including yolov5s.onnx, yolov5m.onnx, yolov5l.onnx, yolov5x.onnx, the original output dimension is 1*255*H*W(Other dimension formats can be slightly modified), import (importONNXFunction) + detection in matlab Head decoding output.
导入yolov5*.onnx进行推理(inference),包括yolov5s.onnx,yolov5m.onnx,yolov5l.onnx,yolov5x.onnx,其原始输出维度为1*255*H*W(其他维度形式可稍作修改), 在matlab中导入(importONNXFunction)+检测头解码输出。
baidu disk:yolov5*.onnx
google disk: yolov5*.onnx
add support for yolox_nano.onnxyolox_tiny.onnxyolox_s.onnxyolox_m.onnxyolox_l.onnxyolox_darknet53.onnxyolox.onnx

인용 양식

cui,xingxing (2024). yoloV5-yoloX-matlab (https://github.com/cuixing158/yoloX-yoloV5-onnx-matlab/releases/tag/1.0), GitHub. 검색됨 .

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개발 환경: R2021a
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