Simscape Multibody Reduced Order Flexible Cylinder

버전 2.0.0 (3.1 MB) 작성자: David Balbuena
Get started with the Reduced Order Flexible Solid block using a simple cylinder
다운로드 수: 175
업데이트 날짜: 2022/12/2

This submission will get you started with the Reduced Order Flexible Solid block in Simscape Multibody™. The submission contains:
- A reduced-order model for a cylinder
- A Simulink® model that tests the behavior of the cylinder under certain loading conditions.
- A script that shows you how to generate a reduced-order model using the Partial Differential Equation Toolbox™

See this blog post for more details:

인용 양식

David Balbuena (2024). Simscape Multibody Reduced Order Flexible Cylinder (, GitHub. 검색됨 .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2020b
R2020b에서 R2021a까지의 릴리스와 호환
플랫폼 호환성
Windows macOS Linux
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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

See release notes for this release on GitHub:


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