LuGre friction model in MATLAB / GNU Octave

버전 4.0 (528 KB) 작성자: Auralius Manurung
A full reconstruction of the paper: A new model for control systems with friction
다운로드 수: 523
업데이트 날짜: 2021/7/25

View LuGre friction model in MATLAB on File Exchange

GNU Octave version:

This is a full reconstruction of the paper: A new model for control systems with friction by Canudas de Wit et al. The paper was published in 1995 (IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control). It can be found in the following link:

In this repository, there are 3 main m-files:

  1. demo2.m

Here, we use the built-in MATLAB solver: ode23s. This solver is designed for a stiff system. In order to use MATLAB built-in solver, the problem must be first formalized. Plese see the PDF file here.

  1. demo3.m

This is an additional simulation to demonstrate the friction observer. This is not shown in the paper. Basically, this is the numerical simulation of section V.B, for position control with a unit-step input.

  1. demo4.m

This shows optimally tuned PI and velocity gain without the friction observer. The performance is superior to the friction observer with poorly tuned PI and velocity gains.

Not shown in the paper. Run demo2.


Not shown in the paper. Run demo2.


Fig. 3 of the paper. Run demo2.


Fig. 2 of the paper. Run demo2.


Fig. 6 of the paper. Run demo2.


Fig. 4 of the paper. Run demo2.


Fig. 8 of the paper. Run demo2.


Not shown in the paper. Run demo3.


Note that if the PI and velocity gains are optimally tuned, then the performance is better than the friction observer. Rise time is smaller and overshoot is smaller. This model is generally easier to tune. Run demo4.


인용 양식

Auralius Manurung (2024). LuGre friction model in MATLAB / GNU Octave (, GitHub. 검색됨 .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2018b
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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

See release notes for this release on GitHub:


Updated the description.


Added friction observer simulation.


Added an image file for the description.


With MATLAB built-in solver: ode23s.


Updated tink to the paper.


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