
버전 3.0 (2.18 KB) 작성자: Jos (10584)
Wait a certain time for a single keypress
다운로드 수: 6.9K
업데이트 날짜: 2019/2/11

라이선스 보기

CH = getkeywait(P) waits for a keypress for a maximum of P seconds. P
should be a positive number. CH is a double representing the key
pressed key as an ascii number, including backspace (8), space (32),
enter (13), etc. If a non-ascii key (Ctrl, Alt, etc.) is pressed, CH
will be NaN. If no key is pressed within P seconds, -1 is returned,
and if something went wrong during excution 0 is returned.
Without argument, getkeywait waits until a key is pressed.

[CH, RT] = getkeywait(..) returns the response time in seconds in RT.

disp('Press a key within 5 seconds') ;
[CH, DT] = getkeywait(5)

See also input, ginput, waitbar, msgbox
getkey (file Exchange)

Authors note: This file was created in 2005 and is still working ;-)

인용 양식

Jos (10584) (2024). getkeywait (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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도움 받은 파일: getkey

도움 준 파일: waitinput

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보


changed some figure properties; added check for figure existence

updated checks and output

The timer object existed beyond the scope of the function, which could be problematic when the function is called often, e.g., in a long loop.