
버전 (616 Bytes) 작성자: Michael Robbins
it parses a parameter list. Given a set of variable names, it assigns the appropriate values to var
다운로드 수: 1.8K
업데이트 날짜: 2005/7/27

라이선스 없음

ASSIGNVARARGIN parses a parameter list. Given a set of variable names,
ASSIGNVARARGIN assigns the appropriate values to variables.


and in foo, you call ASSIGNVARARGIN:


ASSIGNVARARGIN will create a variable Color, with the value 'green', a
variable Charm, with the value 5, and a variable Strangness, with the
value NaN.

See also varargout nargin nargout inputname function lists paren
CatOrSplitFiles CheckerboardPlot varargin nargin
assignin evalin

Key words varargout nargin nargout inputname function lists paren
CatOrSplitFiles CheckerboardPlot parameter workspace
assign input output arguments

인용 양식

Michael Robbins (2024). AssignVarargin (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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