VERT2CON - vertices to constraints

버전 (1.06 KB) 작성자: Michael Kleder
Create inequality constraints to bound the convex hull of the given points.
다운로드 수: 5K
업데이트 날짜: 2005/7/11

라이선스 없음

VERT2CON - convert a set of points to the set of inequality constraints which most tightly contain the points; i.e., create constraints to bound the convex hull of the given points

[A,b] = vert2con(V)

V = a set of points, each ROW of which is one point
A,b = a set of constraints such that A*x <= b defines the region of space enclosing the convex hull of the given points

For n dimensions:
V = p x n matrix (p vertices, n dimensions)
A = m x n matrix (m constraints, n dimensions)
b = m x 1 vector (m constraints)

(1) In higher dimensions, redundant constraints can appear. This program detects redundancy at 6 digits of precision (per dimension), then returns the unique constraints.
(2) See companion function CON2VERT.
(3) ver 1.0: initial version, June 2005.
(4) ver 1.1: enhanced redundancy checks, July 2005
(5) Written by Michael Kleder

인용 양식

Michael Kleder (2024). VERT2CON - vertices to constraints (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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Enhanced redundancy checks.