Model Find and Replace Tool
버전 2.0.1 (875 KB) 작성자:
Sysenso Systems
FindReplaceTool helps to search a string in a Simulink model and replace it with another string.
FindReplaceTool helps to search a string in a Simulink model and replace it with another string.
FindReplaceTool will help the user to Find-Replace a string in Simulink and Stateflow models.
- Add the FindReplaceTool folder to the MATLAB path.
- Use FindReplaceTool command to launch the tool.
- Use "Help" button to launch the detailed help document.
This tool can be launched from MATLAB command window as follows,
>> FindReplaceTool('')
>> FindReplaceTool
FindReplaceTool can also be launched from Tools/FindReplaceTool menu or from the model context menu.
Developed by: Sysenso Systems,
Note: Please share your comments and contact us if you are interested in updating the features further.
인용 양식
Sysenso Systems (2025). Model Find and Replace Tool (, GitHub. 검색 날짜: .
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