
버전 (857 Bytes) 작성자: Michael Robbins
STRREP, but uses the input and output format of REGEXPREP
다운로드 수: 2K
업데이트 날짜: 2005/6/3

라이선스 없음

STRREPLIKEREGEXPREP Replace string with another.
This function uses STRREP, but uses the input and output format of REGEXPREP so it can be easily substituted.

S = STRREPLIKEREGEXPREP(STRING,SEARCH,REPLACE) replaces all occurrences of the the search string, SEARCH, in string, STRING, with the string,% REPLACE. The new string is returned. If no matches are found STRREPLIKEREGEXPREP returns STRING unchanged.

If STRING is a cell array of strings, STRREPLIKEREGEXPREP returns a cell array of strings replacing each element of STRING individually.

If SEARCH is a cell array of strings, STRREPLIKEREGEXPREP replaces each element of SEARCH sequentially.

If REPLACE is a cell array of strings, then SEARCH must be a cell array of strings with the same number of elements. STRREPLIKEREGEXPREP will replace each element of SEARCH sequentially with the corresponding element of REPLACE.

InputStr = {'we the people,','in oder to form','a more perfct'}
SearchStr = {'we','oder','perfct'};
ReplaceStr = {'We','order','perfect'};
StrrepLikeRegexprep(InputStr, SearchStr, ReplaceStr)
returns {'We the people,','in order to form','a more perfect'}

인용 양식

Michael Robbins (2024). StrrepLikeRegexprep (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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