Point-to-Point (Regulation) Control of NPS II UAV using SDRE

버전 1.0.1 (9.55 KB) 작성자: Saeed Rafee Nekoo
This code applies nonlinear regulation control SDRE on non-affine model of NPS II under water vehicle.
다운로드 수: 235
업데이트 날짜: 2022/9/10

라이선스 보기

Nonlinear dynamics of the underwater vehicles in 6-degree-of-freedom is highly nonlinear and non-affine in control. NPS II is a well-known UAV model. These codes present SDRE control of NPS II UAV in regulation case in non-affine mode where the input relations are nonlinear. The dynamics and control structure could be followed in:
Geranmehr, Behdad, and Saeed Rafee Nekoo. "Nonlinear suboptimal control of fully coupled non-affine six-DOF autonomous underwater vehicle using the state-dependent Riccati equation." Ocean Engineering 96 (2015): 248-257.

인용 양식

Geranmehr, Behdad, and Saeed Rafee Nekoo. "Nonlinear suboptimal control of fully coupled non-affine six-DOF autonomous underwater vehicle using the state-dependent Riccati equation." Ocean Engineering 96 (2015): 248-257.

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