VIBRATIONNOMOGRAM creates a 4CP (four coordinate paper/plot) 2-d log-log figure with acceleration, velocity and displacement grid lines and optionally graph(s). The input may be one or more velocity amplitude spectra. The graph(s) can be plotted after executing vibrationnomogram. The grid lines make it possible to evaluate the velocity spectra visually with regard to acceleration and displacement amplitudes.The vibration nomogram is also useful for SRS (Shock Response Spectrum). Imperial or SI-units of amplitude and frequency are applicable.
% Example 1:
x = [1, 25/(2*pi), 200/(2*pi), 400/(2*pi), 100];
y = [1*(1*2*pi), 25, 25, 25, 10E3/(100*2*pi);...
2*(1*2*pi), 50, 50, 10E3/400, 10E3/(100*2*pi)]/1000;
lim = [1 100,0.5E-3,500E-3];
h = vibrationnomogram(x,y,'Axis',lim,'Color','blue','LineWidth',2);
% Example 2:
x = [0.1, 1E4];
y = [300, 300; 100, 100; 50, 50];
lim = [0.1, 1E4, 1, 1E4];
'GridColor', [0.47,0.67,0.19,0.25],...
title(['Shock Response Spectrum Q=' num2str(10)]);
xlabel('Natural Frequency, Hz'); ylabel('Pseudo-Velocity, ips');
legend('very severe','moderate severity','very mild severity');
% hold on; plot(...
인용 양식
Peter Orthmann (2025). Vibration Nomogram (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .
MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
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도움 받은 파일: Number to Scientific Prefix
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