버전 1.0.4 (1.68 MB) 작성자:
Laurent NEVOU
Computes the electronic band structure of Zinc Blende semiconductor
Computes the electronic band structure of Zinc Blende semiconductors.
3 models are available and can be switched ON/OFF:
-> Empirical Pseudo-potential Method (EPM)
-> Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO) or Tight Binding (sp3s*)
-> k.p 8bands, using the Dresselhaus, Kip and Kittel (DKK) notation and the Luttinger parameters (EP, F, g1, g2, g3)
인용 양식
Laurent NEVOU (2025). Q_band_ZB (https://github.com/LaurentNevou/Q_band_ZB), GitHub. 검색 날짜: .
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버전 | 게시됨 | 릴리스 정보 | |
1.0.4 | image updated |
1.0.3 | readme from GitHub |
1.0.2 | -> image updated
1.0.1 | picture update |
1.0.0 |
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