IncVar class can increment or decrement a variable when it is called which can simplify code, especially array indexing. Intended to be used as an alternative for i++, but technically it pre-increments the variable, so it's behavior is like ++i.
Example usage (creating a cell array where order is important but not index position):
A{1} = 'The quick';
A{2} = ' brown fox';
A{3} = ' jumps over';
A{4} = ' the lazy';
A{5} = ' dog.';
Can be written as:
i = IncVar;
A{i.i} = 'The quick';
A{i.i} = ' brown fox';
A{i.i} = ' jumps over';
A{i.i} = ' the lazy';
A{i.i} = ' dog.';
Inserting cells into the array does not require editing the indexes:
i = IncVar;
A{i.i} = 'The quick';
A{i.i} = ', stealthy';
A{i.i} = ' brown fox';
A{i.i} = ' launches a triple-twist and'
A{i.i} = ' jumps over';
A{i.i} = ' the lazy';
A{i.i} = ' dog.';
Example usage (indexing for nested for loops):
k = 1;
for i = 1:10
for j = 1:10
A(k) = i*j;
k = k + 1;
Can be written as:
k = IncVar;
for i = 1:10
for j = 1:10
A(k.i) = i*j;
인용 양식
ADragon (2025). IncVar (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .
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