MPC Design for Photovoltaic Cells

버전 1.0 (4.4 MB) 작성자: Nassim Khaled
Practical Design and Application of Model Predictive Control- Chapter 8
다운로드 수: 2.5K
업데이트 날짜: 2018/5/20

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These are the files for Chapter 8 for the book " Practical Design and Application of Model Predictive Control" by Elsevier (eBook ISBN: 9780128139196, Paperback ISBN: 9780128139189).
A thermoelectrical PV model is used as a testbed to demonstrate the effectiveness of MPC.
Reference signal generation for the controller is discussed in section 8.3.
The identification and linearization of the plant are discussed in section 8.4.
The detailed process to design MPC controller for the PV module is covered in section 8.6.
The controller is integrated with the plant in section 8.7.
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인용 양식

Nassim Khaled (2025). MPC Design for Photovoltaic Cells (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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