
버전 (805 Bytes) 작성자: Jörg Petzold
Simple exporting and reducing data shown in matlab figures for pgfplots
다운로드 수: 55
업데이트 날짜: 2018/2/7

라이선스 보기

A small function that captures the currently visible data in a matlab line plot and exports to a data file instantly readable with pgfplots in latex. It is based on and needs the reduce_to_width function by Tucker McClure available here:
Its automatically reduces the number of samples to the minimum to reproduce the displayed matlab graph in the pgf axes. Works also with zoomed data. Note that the reduction results depend on the figure width and height.

인용 양식

Jörg Petzold (2025). matfig2pgfdata(filename,m,n) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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개발 환경: R2015a
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도움 받은 파일: Plot (Big)

도움 준 파일: matlab2dplot2datafile

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