GUI for Visualizing 3D Volumetric Data

버전 (9.57 KB) 작성자: Kateryna Artyushkova
This is a GUI for visualizing volume data. Includes rendering volumes, displaying isosurfaces.
다운로드 수: 9.5K
업데이트 날짜: 2007/7/11

라이선스 보기

Includes different types of visualization of three-dimensional array (volumetric data):

1. Orthogonal slices - each slice individually, as well as three orthogonal slices on one plot

2. Rendered volume through showing series of z-slices. Enter the number of slices to display: ('1' - all, '2' - every second, etc.)

3. Isosurfaces:
- one for a single value
- multiple for multiple values of interest on one figure (each with different color)

Options to change for orthogonal slices (1) and volumes (2):
- transparency;
- color scheme.

Options to changes for all three types of visualization (1-3):
- top/bottom, left/right
- aspect ratio.

To run type:
>>volumization (data,'n')
for example: volumization (data,'1')
NOT: volumization (data,1)

where data are of format [n x m x p] and 'n' - which slice to display:
'1'- all, '2' - every second, '3' - every third, etc.

For users with PLS_Toolbox 3.5 can type
>> volumization
and then load data interactively using lddlgpls routine.

To display isosurface on top of rendered volume or orthogonal slices, use controls to display desired view and then use Multiple isosurface slider to display the isosurface of value of interest. (Single isosurface slider clears the figure on execution).

인용 양식

Kateryna Artyushkova (2024). GUI for Visualizing 3D Volumetric Data (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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개발 환경: R14
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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

change to work with double and uint8 data types