
버전 (365 KB) 작성자: Maksym Sich
Effortlessly create multi-plot figures ready for scientific publications or presentation in MATLAB.
다운로드 수: 85
업데이트 날짜: 2018/1/4

MATLAB is great for data processing and has a wealth of data plotting, imaging functions. However, when it comes to producing figures, which would be suitable for presentations or publications it falls short with its default settings. The problem is usually with huge margins, which are hard to control, especially with subplots.
The aim of sublimeFigure project is to create a way to plot figures quickly in MATLAB, which immediately would be suitable for publications or presentations.
sublimeFigure is built around the idea that the user sets figure size needed, and margins (or padding) between subplots. The rest is calculated automatically to fill the maximum space.
For example, the code below will produce a figure with a single plot of the right size for a one-column figure in an APS publication:
f = sublimeFigure;
print( 'test', '-dpdf', '-r1200' );
sublimeFigure is realised as a class utilising the lately introduced object-oriented functionality of MATLAB, and, therefore, requires the r2017a to function.

A detailed user manual with examples, methods and properties description is included in the package.

Distributed under GNU GPL v3.0.

인용 양식

Maksym Sich (2025). maxsich/sublimeFigure (, GitHub. 검색 날짜: .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2017a
모든 릴리스와 호환
플랫폼 호환성
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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Simplified figure default font settings. Now it doesn't use groot. Also, label and tick labels are set to the same font size.

Added option to use inches as units. All physical dimensions convert automatically from 'in' to 'cm' and back when changing the new 'defUnits' property. Added description of colour bar location properties to the manual.

Updated links

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