
버전 (31.2 KB) 작성자: Roland
generate data with given covariance matrix
다운로드 수: 34
업데이트 날짜: 2017/7/4

# Matlab-genNoisyData
function to generate a dataset with m realisations of a random d-dimensional variable with given covariance matrix
function dataM = genCovData(covM, m, y0)
% Keywords: covariance, random data, noisy data
% Purpose : generate a data set with m random data vectors with a
% exactly the predefined covariance matrix 'covM'; optional a
% datavector can be given to generate a noisy data set for. In
% this case the generated noise is added to y0
% Syntax : dataM = genCovData(covM, m)
% dataM = genCovData(covM, m, y0)
% Input Parameters :
% covM := covariancematrix of the output; a squared symmetric
% positiv semi-definit matrix; dimension d of the matrix is the
% dimension of the random data vector
% m := number of realisations of random data vector;
% y0 := a column vector of size [dx1]; to this vector, the
% generated noise with given covariance is added.
% Return Parameters :
% dataM := a matrix of size [dxm], where each column is a
% realisation of the random variable; the covariance (cov(dataM')
% is the given covM;
% Description :
% using code from:
% see also: mvnrnd
% Author :
% Roland Ritt
% History :
% \change{1.0}{29-Jun-2017}{Original}
% --------------------------------------------------
% (c) 2017, Roland Ritt
% Chair of Automation, University of Leoben, Austria
% email:
% url:
% --------------------------------------------------

인용 양식

Roland (2024). RolandRitt/Matlab-genNoisyData (, GitHub. 검색 날짜: .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2017a
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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

add optional input parameter y0 to generate a noisy data set for y0

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